Reluctant Traveler
Airbnb Sex Story in Taipei – I’ve never been much of a traveler. My first flight was at 16, and it was to visit a deceased aunt in India. It wasn’t that I hated flying—I didn’t mind it, aside from the occasional screaming child—it was the hassle of planning and executing an overseas trip that irritated me. The back and forth of exchanging currencies, writing itineraries, and exploring a new country just to boast to friends held no appeal for me.
Persuasive Brandy
“But it’s not going to be like last time!” Brandy had a knack for whining.
She knew it was one of her vices, but it got her what she wanted when people gave in to make her stop. We’ve been friends for six years, from huddling with bowls of soup in freshman year at university to now, still only affording the same soup. She whimpered and flopped face-first onto my back.
I glared at her. “According to you, the last time wasn’t supposed to be like the last time either,” I huffed, pushing her off me. Much like the undiscovered opera star she was, Brandy made a dramatic show of falling off the bed into a starfish position on my bedroom floor. No wonder my energy was non-existent. I had a best friend who could fill the quota for both our personalities.
The Adelaide Disaster
“We looked too much into Adelaide. Where to go, what to eat,” Brandy pulled herself upright and clutched a pillow. “This time, we’ll do everything spontaneously. Just like you wanted, right?”
Brandy made a compelling point. We traveled to Adelaide last Christmas when her parents canceled their skiing plans. I indulged her then, partially because I felt bad about leaving her alone while I was surrounded by mistletoe and turkey, and because the only thing worse than a hyped-up Brandy was a soppy, self-pitying version of her. Adelaide turned out disastrous for me because little miss sunshine had chosen a whole holiday package that involved—doing things. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad idea if we just winged it?
Brandy could tell when the gears in my head were turning in her favor. She smiled hopefully, and I returned it slowly. “You have to promise me that we’re going to work things on our time,” I insisted. “No funny lake tours and trips to human Holocaust museums, Brandy, I swear to Go-,” I was immediately cut off by a yelp that escaped her mouth.
“I promise, I promise, I promise!” She clapped her hands rapidly together, like a water seal with Parkinson’s.
“Taiwan—here we come!”

Arrival in Taipei
Why was there so much food?
That was my only thought as the Uber took Brandy and me to our Airbnb. The flight was bearable, but economy seats were all that were available on short notice, making it a struggle to get comfortable.
I might’ve been thinking about food since I barely got anything to eat on the trip here except some sandwiches. Brandy was ranting about a kid kicking her seat, intermittently stopping to snore between chapters of her trashy romance novel. What was it about us that made us best friends? I’ll never know.
Settling In
Our Airbnb was in the heart of Taipei City, a little over a 10-minute drive to the Taipei 101 Center. The bustling city was a sensory overload, with neon lights, vibrant street markets, and the enticing aroma of street food wafting through the air. The Uber dropped us off at the gates of a gorgeous double-storey villa, complete with large, embellished wooden gates, fish fountains, and a lush garden. I had to give it to her; Brandy was a lot of things, but unresourceful wasn’t one of them.
She grinned as she pressed the doorbell. “Have enough energy left for happy hour later?” I snapped off my cap and smacked her with it. She scoffed and tried to elbow me, but the doors opened before she could.
Meeting WayLin
A warm-looking Chinese woman in her 60s greeted us. She wore a long-sleeved blue blouse, cream silk pants, and a megawatt smile. “Hello! You must be here under the Brandy Tong reservation?”
Brandy grinned back at her. The woman extended her hand. “I’m WayLin, it’s very nice to meet both of you! Let me show you around,” she said as she led us in.
Exploring the Villa
The villa was much larger than it appeared from the outside. WayLin rattled on about the historic features of the house, how many generations of her family lived there, and other details that went over my head. The interior was a blend of traditional Chinese decor and modern comforts, with intricate woodwork, silk tapestries, and antique furniture. I realized how unprepared I was for traveling in foreign lands as tiredness seeped through my bones, making me yawn. WayLin was undoubtedly amazing, but she was too much for my shutting-down brain.
“I’m going to head upstairs to the room if you don’t mind,” I blurted out as Brandy scowled at me. “The flight was really long, and I should get some rest. Brandy can stay and learn about the rest of the house!” I added, smiling sweetly.
WayLin returned my grin, not harsh in any way. “Your room is on the first floor, dear. The second is where my son and I are staying,” she gestured to the end of a long hallway. “You can shower and sleep there. The bathrooms are attached.”
I gave WayLin a firm but awkward handshake and stuck my tongue out at Brandy. As I made my way down the hallway, I was enchanted by how warm and welcoming this Taiwanese house felt. Most Airbnbs that Brandy picked were gorgeous but often had odd paintings, clinically clean squeaky floors, and weird lounge music, giving them a hotel-like feel. This place looked lived-in and homey. The hallway walls were adorned with family photos, and the wooden floor creaked under my feet, adding to its charm. Instead of turning right into the room, I found myself heading into the kitchen.
The Voice
WayLin mentioned that we could help ourselves to whatever was in the fridge, so I grabbed a mango rice pudding from the cooler and started to dig in. My grumbling stomach whined in appreciation, so loudly that I didn’t hear the voices at first. They were coming from the gazebo near the koi pool, carried by the strong winds. Then I realized it was just one voice. Sharp, angry, masculine. Tortured. The sliding door was ajar, but I didn’t want to test my luck by going outside. I peeked from behind an ancient wooden pillar in the far end of the kitchen, but I couldn’t determine where it was coming from. Gradually, it grew louder.
A tall Asian man in his late twenties to early thirties, with dark brown hair tousled from his fingers, stomped out of the gazebo. Do you ever get the weird feeling where you’re between falling asleep and being awake, and your entire body suddenly feels like it’s dropping into thin air? That’s exactly how it felt when I laid eyes on him. His face was flushed, and his slim but muscular body was tensed with anger.
He turned around—and for a minute, I felt my blood run cold.

The Encounter
His eyes were piercing, hooded eyelids masking two rivers of secrets and stories that knocked the air right from my lungs. I hurled back around the pillar, my feet unable to move. It’s only when I craned my neck around it three minutes later that I saw he was gone, nothing to signify he had ever been there. His eyes haunted me—silver grey in an otherwise oriental appearance.
A Night Out in Taipei
“Do you know how old May Lin’s son is?”
We had just come back from a night market, full of sounds, sights, smells, and all the best of Taiwan. The market was a sensory feast, with vendors calling out, the aroma of exotic foods wafting through the air, and vibrant lights illuminating every corner. After the night market, we hailed a cab to Taipei 101 to head through the observatory deck to watch the night sky. Brandy was right; Taiwan was a great idea. Tiring, but a great idea.
Curious Questions
Brandy turned from unpacking, facing me in confusion. “What do you mean?”
I shrugged. “Just thought I might ask. He gave me the weirdest sensation.” My mind went back to our bizarre encounter at the gazebo, and my body tingled again. Why was this man giving me such a strong reaction? It didn’t make any sense—oh wait. I groaned inwardly as I realized what it was. My boyfriend and I had broken up close to three years ago, and I have never really been with anyone since. I never found the need to. Guys at the club didn’t really do much to interest me, and I was never really attracted to someone well enough to have a one-night stand with them.
But the fact remains; I haven’t had sex for three years.
Brandy noticed my slack jaw. “Everything okay?” She sat next to me.
I laughed it off, nervously. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m just a little tired, that’s all.”
Brandy offered a small smile. “You’re excused this one time. I force-fed you fried grasshoppers on a stick, so you get to turn in early without me nagging. I’ll continue tomorrow,” she said and threw a pillow at me.
Retreat to the Shower
I threw it back to her and made my way to get a shower. I couldn’t help it, my mind drifted back to the mystery man in the gazebo. How tense he was when he fought on the phone, how his fingers clenched and unclenched. And those eyes. It sent a shiver through my body that traveled all the way to between my legs.
The bathroom was a sanctuary of luxury, featuring polished marble countertops, a spacious glass-enclosed shower, and soft, ambient lighting that created a calming atmosphere. The aroma of fresh orchids filled the air, and the plush towels were neatly stacked by the sink. The showerhead, an impressive rainfall design, promised a soothing escape. The water pressure was hot, heavy even, and I moaned as the water cascaded over me. My hands inched closer to my legs, and I sucked in a deep breath. I was soaking wet. It wasn’t from the water.
A hand pounded on the door. “What’s taking so long?!”
Honestly, if I didn’t love Brandy as much as I did, I would’ve gone to great extents to commit murder and dump her body without evidence.
the Bedroom
The bedroom was a haven of tranquility, designed with traditional Taiwanese elements. Soft lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, ambient glow. The walls were adorned with delicate bamboo artwork, and the floor was covered in tatami mats. A large, intricately carved wooden wardrobe stood in the corner, next to a low, inviting bed with plush pillows and a silk comforter. The scent of jasmine lingered in the air, enhancing the serene atmosphere.
Sleepless Night
I tossed and turned all night. The heat of Taiwan was sweltering, and the comforters in Dorothy’s house weren’t helping. Pushing off the covers, I made my way to the kitchen.
Traditional Taiwanese Kitchen
The kitchen was a perfect blend of modern convenience and traditional charm. Bamboo cabinets lined the walls, their polished surfaces reflecting the soft glow of paper lanterns hanging above. A wooden table, low to the ground, was surrounded by floor cushions in vibrant colors. Both countertops were adorned with clay pots and woven baskets filled with fresh produce. An aroma of spices could be detected in the air, and a gentle breeze wafted in from the open sliding door.
The kitchen was so much cooler from the ajar sliding door as the air wafted in from the—
Unsettling Presence
Wait. Why was the sliding door open?
“Water filter’s down. Use the jug.”
I froze in my steps. The same voice from the afternoon now stood right behind me. I swallowed. “Thanks,” I said drily. I grabbed the jug from the cooler and slowly braced myself to turn around.
Yet again, the air was filled with electricity as our eyes met. He wore a slight smirk. “Have we met before?” The animosity from this afternoon seemed to have ebbed away. He inched closer, and my breath hitched in my throat once again.
Midnight Snack Offer
I moved back. “I don’t think so,” I said and chugged water to keep my throat from drying out. He smiled this time and whispered.
“How would you feel about a midnight snack?”
Unexpected Decision
I don’t know exactly what it was that made me say yes.
Maybe it was the fact that I was lonely, tired, and in a foreign city looking for someone to count on besides my snoring best friend. Or the fact that I was horny out of my mind.
We ended up getting fried ice cream from a local shop open late, settling down on a park bench. “My dad used to take me here all the time,” he started to reminisce. “Daan Forest Park, one of the largest in the city,” he continued and looked at me again.
Reflecting on the Park
Largest park in the city? Felt awfully small sitting next to this man. What was it about him? I never acted this way around anyone. “We don’t have many parks back home. Nature is so 2020,” I joked.
Wait… I joked? Since when do I do that?
He laughed. “What brings you here?”
“My best friend mostly. We come in a duo, but she’s much more of the spontaneous type. I tried my best to protest, promise,” I gave him a small smile.
Piercing Questions
His laugh faded and he stared at me once again with those piercing eyes. “Do you not find yourself exciting?”
My throat closed up. I didn’t know how to respond. I was never in a position to be fiery or spontaneous; I always left that up to Brandy. This man, this man brought out emotions in me that I don’t remember feeling.
He caught on to my hesitancy answering the question and spoke up. “Do you want to leave?”
I nodded and we made our way to the car through the traditional Taiwan Garden in silence.
Describing a Traditional Taiwan Garden
The garden was a serene escape, with winding stone paths bordered by lush greenery and blooming orchids. Lanterns hung from the branches of ancient bonsai trees, casting soft, flickering light. A small koi pond with a delicate bridge added to the tranquil ambiance, and the sound of water gently flowing created a soothing symphony. The scent of jasmine and fresh earth filled the air, grounding me as we walked through this peaceful oasis.
He settled down in the driver’s seat of his Mercedes and started up the ignition.
The Interior of the Mercedes
The interior of the Mercedes was a blend of luxury and comfort. Soft leather seats cradled me, while the dashboard gleamed with polished wood and chrome accents. Ambient lighting bathed the interior in a gentle, warm glow. The faint scent of his cologne mixed with the new car smell, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. The touch of a button brought soothing music to life, setting the perfect mood for our night.
A Whispered Confession
“Excitement isn’t dependable. It hurts when the party’s over.” I breathed out those words in a whisper.
It wasn’t too soft for him. His head turned in my direction and took me in. Really took me in. His eyes traveled from my legs, arms, chest, and finally rested on my lips.
I’ve never seen a man so sexy. I’ve never seen a man so hungry.
Intense Passion
He brought his lips down on mine, fast. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I kissed him back feverishly, as if my life depended on it. Biting, squeezing, and tugging at his lips sent him into a craze. His fingers moved quickly, unbuttoning my blouse and trailing kisses down my neck. He did everything so quickly, but it wasn’t enough for me. I pulled his hands from kneading my tits and guided them between my legs.
He growled in response, practically ripping my shorts as he pulled them down. Everything about this man was insatiable, I realized as he smiled mischievously. He teased the moment out, pinching the inner of my thighs as he made his way to my pussy.
Building Anticipation
“Spread your legs,” he said—and boy if that voice couldn’t make me cum. His mouth still focused on my neck, he slipped two fingers inside me.
“Holy shi,” his eyes widened in surprise. “You’re dripping wet,” he went on, his voice strained as he struggled to keep his momentum. “You want this, don’t you?”
I whimpered in need. Taking that as a yes, he increased his speed—faster and faster until I got close. Pulling myself back together, I willed myself back in the moment and stopped him.
“Not yet. Let me take care of you first,” I reached for the growing bulge in his pants.
He stopped me. “Not yet. Let’s go into the regeneration container at Daan Forest Park.”

We arrived at Daan Forest Park.
Daan Forest Park, Taipei
Daan Forest Park in Taipei is a sprawling urban oasis, often referred to as the “lungs of Taipei.” The park covers 26 hectares of lush greenery, offering a sanctuary from the bustling city life. Majestic trees line the winding pathways, providing ample shade, while beautifully manicured gardens and vibrant flowerbeds add splashes of color. Tranquil atmosphere is enhanced by the melodic chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.
The park features several ponds, home to playful ducks and elegant swans. Visitors can relax on benches placed strategically around these serene water bodies. There are also jogging tracks, a children’s playground, and open spaces perfect for picnics. At night, the park transforms into a magical place with subtle lighting that illuminates the pathways and highlights the natural beauty of the surroundings. It’s a perfect blend of nature and urban design.
The Regeneration Container
In the park were a number of green shipping containers with wording in English and Chinese, ‘Regeneration DIY.’ What they were, I had no idea—another strange thing in a strange land. He led me to one, drew out a set of keys, and opened the side double doorway. After we walked in, he closed it behind us. It was dark, and I could just see his silhouette.
Everything was moving too fast, and I loved it. I pushed him down on a chair and lunged at him. Straddling him, I kissed him repeatedly until the slickness between my legs became unbearable. I started to grind on him, bucking my legs against his hips, trying to get some sort of friction. He pulled on my hair and set me back so that he was on top. He maneuvered me until he was above me, then slowly but surely kissed up to my thighs.
A Night of Passion
Then his tongue teased my clit. I all but erupted in pleasure as he lapped me up again and again, driving me insane. He held me down by the hips as he continued his pussy-licking torture. Just when I was about to cum, he pulled back. I took that as a cue to reach for him again, but he stopped me. “It’s about you tonight,” he winked.
He took off his jeans, throwing them to the floor. With that same hungry look I couldn’t get enough of, he bent over to kiss me and slowly slid into my wet heat. I groaned, biting into his shoulder to keep from screaming out. He pulled away and brought one hand over to choke me.
“Stop holding back. Let go.”
Ultimate Release
That was all the incentive I needed. I locked my legs around him and pulled him closer. He moaned loudly this time and started to move faster. I screamed out in pleasure. All my life, in all my relationships, there was no man on earth who could fuck me like this.
I could tell he was close by how fast he kept getting. He fucked me mercilessly, his hips moving faster and faster. I felt my own orgasm building. With a cry of pleasure, I came hard. He followed suit, groaning into my shoulder.
After a few minutes of bliss, he rolled off. We looked at each other and laughed.
“So. How do you like Taiwan?”
Taiwan Mall
The mall was a sprawling expanse of modernity, boasting multiple floors filled with high-end boutiques, quirky local shops, and bustling food courts. Each level was a sensory overload, with bright neon signs, the aroma of freshly brewed bubble tea, and the chatter of shoppers. Interactive digital directories guided visitors to various sections, while the sound of upbeat music added to the vibrant atmosphere. The central atrium featured a stunning glass ceiling that allowed natural light to flood the space, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.
Describing the National Palace Museum, Taipei
The National Palace Museum in Taipei is a treasure trove of Chinese art and history, housing over 700,000 artifacts spanning 8,000 years. The museum’s architecture blends traditional Chinese elements with modern design, featuring majestic eaves, sweeping roofs, and tranquil gardens. Inside, the exhibits are meticulously curated, showcasing ancient ceramics, jade carvings, calligraphy, and paintings. The grandeur of the halls, with their polished marble floors and ornate wooden beams, enhances the sense of stepping back in time. Each artifact tells a story of China’s rich cultural heritage.
Reveling in the Experience
I didn’t care. I was so high from spending time with my stranger that I went through the entire week smiling from ear to ear.
Brandy noticed my demeanor when we were loading our stuff into the back of the Uber to head to the airport. “Why are you smiling so much?”
I rolled my eyes at her. “It was a good trip. What’s wrong with me being a little happy?” Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of brown hair in a window.
A New Perspective
I never found out his name. Nor did I bother asking. He gave me something more than just good conversation. He gave me sex appeal and a new fire to see the world and explore.
Regardless, I really think I enjoy traveling now. And this was not just another Taiwan erotic story!
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