Forbidden Love
Erotic Stories,  Taiwan Stories

Forbidden Love At The Sunset of Fort Zeelandia – The Legend

Cheng-han’s Journey

Cheng-han had crossed the South China Sea to come to Taiwan in search of adventure and never thought he would find Forbidden Love. He was a tall, unassuming Chinese boy who was mostly quiet, but when he spoke, everyone listened. He often talked about venturing into unknown lands to find his destiny, fall in love, and marry a princess, but his father, Chun-hung, would always laugh. “You live in your head, boy,” his father would say.

New Beginnings in Taiwan

But Cheng-han had done it. He had escaped the humdrum life of downtown Shanghai and landed in Taiwan, a small exotic island miles into the sea. He felt the sea breeze, smelled the salt, and experienced the unadulterated sunshine on his face. He was fortunate to find work as a manual laborer at the newly established Dutch settlement of Fort Zeelandia. Civilians rarely worked or lived in this military area, making his job a unique opportunity. The port, bustling with ships arriving and departing, fascinated Cheng-han, filling his mind with thoughts of faraway lands and their inhabitants.

Life at Fort Zeelandia

The Fort consisted of three layers of walls made from Dutch bricks, with a bastion on each corner. Initially daunting, Cheng-han grew accustomed to it. Downtown was outside, while inside the fort lay the military and administration center, a church, and garrisons. Cheng-han frequently crossed downtown, navigating the market to enter the fort almost daily.

First Encounters with the Dutch

It was here that he had his first interaction with the white man. Aloof and business-like, most Dutch officials were stiff and arrogant, rarely speaking to the locals. However, Cheng-han was luckier than most. He managed to secure repair work inside the cantonment area, becoming a familiar sight heaving bricks to and fro. Although it didn’t pay much, he was making his way up in the world and never complained.

Developing Connections

One Dutch official he interacted with was Hendrik Gerritt, a middle-aged, heavily set, and tanned army officer who barked orders with precision. Hendrik knew some Mandarin, which facilitated basic communication with Cheng-han. Over two years, Hendrik developed a particular fondness for Cheng-han, assigning him errands such as delivering letters and documents between offices. Cheng-han’s hard work earned the trust of his superiors, a position that suited him well.

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An Unexpected Encounter

In January 1634, as the fort neared completion, Cheng-han’s life took an unexpected turn. He was snared from the moment he saw her. It was as if an angel had descended from heaven. While rushing to deliver a letter for Gerritt, he knocked over some trunks, momentarily blinded by the sunlight. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful, golden-haired angel looking down at him. She was dressed in white, and at that moment, he thought he had died and gone to heaven.

Discovering Adriana

After days of searching in vain, Cheng-han was convinced she wasn’t real. By accident, he discovered she was Gerritt’s only daughter, Adriana, visiting her father. He couldn’t believe fate had dealt such a cruel blow; he had fallen in love with the forbidden fruit of Eden.

A Fateful Meeting

One fateful day, while working in the expansive leafy garden of the fort, he saw her alone again. She strolled leisurely with her white parasol, taking in the sights and sounds. She seemed lost, but Cheng-han was hypnotized by her presence. As she approached, she saw him and, recognizing a familiar face, smiled. Cheng-han froze, losing the capacity to speak. She came closer, and he saw her beautiful blue eyes. They were as deep as the sea, and he was lost in them.

Overcoming Hesitation

Suddenly, he realized he had lingered too long, worrying it would be seen as inappropriate. He feared he had offended the young lady. However, her gentle smile reassured him, giving him a glimmer of hope. Despite his concerns, the encounter left an indelible mark on Cheng-han’s heart. He knew he had to see her again, to feel the warmth of her gaze and the gentle grace of her presence.

The Garden of Dreams

Each day, Cheng-han returned to the garden, hoping to catch another glimpse of Adriana. His heart raced with anticipation, and his mind filled with dreams of their next encounter. He imagined conversations, shared smiles, and stolen glances. The garden became a place of solace, where his thoughts of her blossomed like the flowers around him.

Unspoken Affection

Their meetings were brief and filled with unspoken affection. Cheng-han’s love for Adriana grew with each passing day. He admired her grace and elegance, feeling a deep connection that transcended their different worlds. Adriana’s presence became the highlight of his days, and he longed for the moments they could share, no matter how fleeting.

Forbidden Love

Cheng-han knew his love for Adriana was forbidden. She was the daughter of a Dutch officer, and he was a humble laborer. Yet, he couldn’t help but be drawn to her. The thought of her consumed him, filling his heart with both joy and sorrow. He cherished the memories of their encounters, holding onto the hope that fate might one day bring them together.

The Legend of Fort-Zeelandia
Image: Fort Zeelandia Historical Image

Destiny’s Hand

Destiny had worked its magic. It was as if the entire universe had paused at that moment. She extended her hand and spoke in a musical language he did not understand, yet it was music to his ears. For a moment, he struggled but soon surrendered to the sea of emotions raging within him. He grasped her tender hand and stood up. Is this love? He asked himself. The touch of her hand was electrifying.

Electrifying Touch

Sensations he had never felt before surged through him; his skin tingled, his heart pounded against his chest, and he could hear the blood rushing in his ears. He had never felt so alive. She spoke again, and it sounded like a question. She pointed at the stairs leading to the upper portion of Fort Zeelandia, which overlooked the sea. I think she is asking me to walk with her, he thought, and his legs responded to her voice.

Silent Journey

They climbed together in silence and reached the top just in time for the setting sun. The shades of yellow, orange, and red reflected against the darkening sea created the perfect backdrop for this forbidden romance. No one could imagine such an unlikely love story unfolding in this intimidating Dutch army fort. He turned to her, and in that moment, his heart was bound to hers forever. He reached out and touched her face. Her cheek was soft.


He felt ashamed of his rough, blistered hands soiling this angelic creature. He dropped his hand and hung his head. I am not worthy of her, he thought. Then he felt a hesitant, white-gloved hand touch his chest. He looked up in surprise. Her expression revealed a struggle between duty and love; her smile was shy and scared. He took her hand, encouraging her. She smiled more confidently, giving him courage.

Consummated Souls

As the sun disappeared into the sea, so did the reluctance of the two lovers. Their souls mingled, and their bodies felt it. He enveloped her in his arms and breathed in her scent. She trembled, making him never want to let go. Soon, their hearts beat as one; they were no longer two bodies, their souls had consummated. She whispered endearments he didn’t understand, while he narrated odes of her beauty and grace that she couldn’t comprehend.

Transcending Language

Their love transcended language; words were replaced by their limbs and eyes. When he kissed her soft lips, he lost all sense of propriety and wanted to marry her right there and then! He no longer cared about social customs, inappropriateness, or even the danger to his life from this daring indiscretion. From that day onwards, Fort Zeelandia’s secluded spot became their secret rendezvous. Every day, Cheng-han would drop everything and hurriedly make his way through the military offices and housing area to the top of the fort.

Secret Meetings

Often, he waited for hours until she could make proper excuses for her absence and arrive without suspicion. Every evening was a reliving of the beautiful sunset when they had fallen in love. Their kisses grew more passionate and fervent. Their hands explored more of each other, yet they did not dare go further for fear of being caught. Cheng-han was aroused but did not want to scare Adriana off, believing she was too good for him, a lowly manual laborer.

Love’s Longing

Though his body ached and longed for her, he promised himself not to take her virtue without making her his lawful wife. Now, the days at Fort Zeelandia felt long and stifling to Cheng-han. He longed for the freedom of the sea with Adriana by his side. Stolen looks and smiles during the day were no longer enough. He wanted to run away again, this time to make a home with his love. But it seemed impossible.

Impossible Love

No one would understand his love for a white woman, and he could not dare speak of it or expect help from anyone. The love they shared was their secret, a forbidden bond that neither could deny. Despite the obstacles, Cheng-han knew he would never stop loving Adriana. Their hearts were intertwined, their souls connected. In the face of impossible odds, their love remained a beacon of hope and passion, a testament to the power of destiny.

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Forbidden Love

Adriana’s Anxious Heart

Adriana was anxious all the time, constantly fearing that someone would see her with Cheng-han, report him to her father, and get him executed. Her heart, however, was irresistibly drawn to him, much like a moth to a flame. She had never imagined that a gloomy, forbidding visit to her estranged father in a lonely fort would transform her life completely.

A Forbidden Attraction

Raised to look down on ‘yellow men,’ Adriana was astonished by her feelings for Cheng-han from the moment he toppled over her trunks that fateful day. She couldn’t discern whether it was attraction or infatuation, but this tall, handsome Chinese boy had captured her heart. His tenderness and respect in every touch set him apart from the men of her own country. He was courteous yet showered her with love, making her realize within days that she couldn’t imagine life without him.

Escaping Gouda

Adriana longed to escape the dull life in Gouda, located in the south of Holland. Despite having a match arranged for her back home, she felt trapped. Her father refused to hear of rejecting her future betrothed, Hans, a conservative and small-minded clerk at the local townhouse. Although Cheng-han had no money, she felt his genuine care for her. They didn’t speak the same language, but their connection transcended words.

Bridging the Language Gap

Cheng-han had begun picking up some Dutch words, slowly starting to communicate his concerns to Adriana. She understood his dilemma. However, fate had other plans for the unsuspecting lovers. Cheng-han was sent to the port of Armosa, a few miles outside the fort, to supervise a shipment of Dutch bricks. The trip was to take two days. Intuitively worried, he hadn’t had the chance to tell Adriana about his absence.

Adriana’s Dismay

The morning after Cheng-han’s departure, Adriana was dismayed to learn that she was to leave for Holland at dawn the next day. Rushing to their secret meeting place, she cried out for Cheng-han, but he was nowhere to be found. Fearing the worst, she assumed they had been discovered and that was why she was being sent back. She prayed for his safety throughout the night. With a heavy heart, she set out for the port and boarded her ship.

Desperate Plea

As the ship backed away from the harbor, she saw a lone figure running towards the dock. Through her tears, she recognized Cheng-han, crying out and pleading for her to return to him. It was too late. She saw him jump into the water, but being from the mainland, he had never learned to swim. Several dock workers dived in to retrieve him, but he was never found. It was assumed he drowned under the tides. As he looked up through the water, he saw her image rippled and disfigured, wanting to remember the moments they shared.

A Haunting Legacy

Unable to live without her, Cheng-han’s spirit was said to haunt Fort Zeelandia. From that moment on, Fort Zeelandia was no longer just a monument of Dutch colonialism. It became an ode to an everlasting love between two innocent souls bound in spirit but never united in the flesh. The legend of Cheng-han and Adriana’s love story continues to echo through the halls of the fort, a haunting reminder of their unfulfilled destiny.

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