The Love Story

The Unseen Connection

The Love Story Of Sun Moon – Mi and Jael were two young people who grew up in the same region, Nantou County in Taipei, but with Sun Moon Lake between them, they may as well have lived countries apart. They had never met before this day. As fate would have it, today was the day they would see each other, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last. While fishing on the opposite side of the lake, Jael happened to see a beautiful young woman washing her shiny, silken long hair in the lake. He had never seen such a striking example of womanhood in all his life.

Enchanting Encounter

Her sleek body and perfect skin made him realize he was missing out on a lot in life. She looked up from under her wet, dripping hair and simply smiled, a sweet, innocent smile. Mi was totally unaware that the water cascading down from her ebony locks had made her shirt transparent. Jael could see through the material to the very essence of her, her pert, rounded breasts, a hint of her slim body, and the fact that she was totally unaware of the pure power she held over Jael in that moment was astounding.

She innocently waved to him and walked away. He watched her move with such grace; the sway of her skirt as her legs moved showed Jael what her figure was like underneath the clothes. He decided he wanted her; he had to have her no matter what the cost.

Desire in Nantou County

Even though their families lived on opposite sides of Sun Moon Lake, Jael had never seen this ebony-haired beauty before. He needed to meet her, to know her, to talk to her. However, the stringent protocols of the tribe meant that for there to be a meeting, he had to ask the chief of the tribe in front of his parents and Mi’s father. Mi and Jael were members of the Thao tribe. This clan had lived on the shores of Sun Moon Lake for centuries, and women were promised to men by their fathers.

Tribal Traditions

Jael learned that Mi was supposed to marry another man, much older and a tribal elder. His important high position meant that Jael could never have Mi for himself. It was an impossible situation for Jael to imagine Mi with another man. It was unacceptable to him. He had to do something; how could he see her and not want to be with her? A few days later, Mi was back washing her clothes at the lake’s edge when Jael went to take some fish he had caught to one of the elders his parents cared for. He walked past her, she smiled, and he said, “Hello.”

Mi’s Distress

Mi seemed upset, and he asked if she was okay. She replied, “How can I be okay when I have to marry someone I don’t love?” She forlornly exclaimed, “I don’t want to do this!” He felt terrible for her, and his passion for her was growing. He wanted Mi for himself. He had to do something soon, otherwise, it would be too late.

A Chance Opportunity

A few weeks later, Jael was on the lake again. It was a cloudy day with a few showers around. He had been out for a while but hadn’t caught any fish. Jael decided to try another part of the lake, more isolated where no one really went due to the rocky shoreline and inaccessible cliffs above. While he was there, the heavens opened, and the rain was torrential. The waves started to pick up on the lake. He headed for the shore to find shelter. The lightning and thunder were frightening.

Seeking Shelter

Jael got out of his boat and ran up the rocky shore, where he found a small cave hidden behind the rocks. He went in, absolutely drenched, and took off his clothes, totally unaware that he was not alone.

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Hidden Sanctuary

Further in the back of the cave was Mi, this was her hiding place, a sanctuary to escape the impending marriage and everything associated with it. More importantly, it was a place her parents couldn’t find her. Mi had started a small fire and was cooking some rice over it. She thought she saw movement at the entrance of the cave, then she saw Jael. She wondered at his incredibly chiseled body. Why do I have to marry an old man, she thought, when I could have someone like him, a man to love, look after, and give me everything a woman wants.

Unexpected Encounter

At that moment, Jael realized someone was in the cave. His luck was unbelievable when his eyes adjusted to the dark and he saw Mi. The gods had put them together, alone, with no elders watching. With a start, he realized he was naked and hurriedly began to dress, not wanting to scare her. He walked toward her and spoke softly, “Hello Mi.” “Please sit down,” she replied. He drew a deep breath and thought if he didn’t ask her to be his woman now, it might never happen.

Confessions of Love

Jael explained to Mi that he had asked about her, that he wanted her to be his wife. From the first moment he laid eyes on her, he had fallen truly and deeply in love. All he could think about was her exquisite beauty. Mi was overjoyed to hear those words and told him she felt the same way. Jael swept Mi up in his arms, kissing her passionately. She smelled so good and kissed him with such sweet longing that Jael couldn’t stop himself. He had to have her, right there and right then.

Unleashed Passion

Their passion for each other was incredible. Hungry lips and hands were everywhere, clothes disappeared, and two bodies entwined on the sandy floor of the cave. Mi had kept herself for marriage, like most girls of the tribe, but her desires were overwhelming. The first throes were passionate as Jael slipped his hard and erect penis into her virgin pussy. With a small but audible pop and a gasp, Mi’s hymen broke, and her virginity was lost forever. He drove his cock into her, and as his erotic hunger increased, so did Mi’s passion. Her juicy pussy quivered, and she came. As she climaxed, her canal throbbed, causing Jael to cum deeply inside her.

Newfound Desires

The whole act left Mi thinking about how Jael’s throbbing manhood had taken her to a place of pleasure and pain she had never felt before. It was incredible, the feelings he had given her. When he came, her femininity had clamped around him time and time again. He gave her everything he had, but now her desires had been sparked, and she wanted more. She mounted him, and he looked up at her in surprise. She slowly stroked his chest, and he sighed contentedly. She then went down on him, taking his now erect penis into her mouth.

The Love Story

Intense Connection

In her mouth, she tasted her own cum and a metallic taste, likely from her virgin blood. It turned her on, and she took his cock deep into her mouth. Mi then straddled him again and pushed back, beginning to fuck him hard. Harder than before, she bounced up and down on his dick with pure lustful abandon. Harder and harder, making Jael groan in ecstasy. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her, causing both of them to orgasm together. Exhausted, she lay down on his chest, and they both drifted off to sleep.

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Sun Moon Lake Storm

When they awoke, it was night outside, and the storm had not abated. They couldn’t safely return to their respective homes, so they would have to stay in the cave for the night. Time after time, their passion knew no bounds. They made love as if it were their first time. At one stage during the night, Mi thought, What if I fall pregnant? I can’t marry another man while carrying Jael’s baby. I want him, his hands, and his passionate manhood. He has made me a woman; I do not want to be another’s.

Dilemma at Daybreak

They both knew that at daylight, they would have to return to their villages and explain their absence. Or did they? Why not run away together? No one would ever realize they were together. They started discussing how to escape their tribe, families, and the reality that Mi was promised to another. The seriousness of what they had done began to sink in. Jael could be stoned for taking such liberties with a promised woman. They had to act fast.

Plans and Promises

Mi didn’t want to go home. She wanted to stay in the cave forever. But she would have to explain to her parents why she was away from the family hearth without a chaperone. They had no food left, no hunting tools apart from Jael’s fishing lines, and everything was in the boat. They decided to leave early. If Mi returned at first light and explained she had sought shelter from the storm, it might be okay. Jael would do the same and hope they could soon be together again and perhaps move away together.

Mi’s Return

When Mi got back to the village, her parents were waiting for her. She explained she couldn’t return due to the storm, and they were glad to see her safe. They told her she would be married in a week’s time. She wanted to cry. How could an old man give her what she had experienced with Jael? After her father left to go hunting, she asked her mother why fathers had to choose husbands for their daughters. Why couldn’t she choose who she wanted? Her mother explained it was tradition, and not following through would bring shame to their family.

Longing for Jael

That night, as Mi lay in her bed, all she could think of was Jael and the love and passion they shared. Why, she thought, must I do what I don’t want to because I am a woman? I have no rights at all. Tears welled up in her eyes. She decided to see Jael again the next day if she could. They had to do something.

Another Meeting

Early the next morning, Mi walked around the lake to her cave. Jael was waiting for her. She was so pleased to see him. She craved the passion he had given her. It was as if she was addicted to that pleasure. Once again, the cave became their private place to express their true feelings and give in to their passion for each other. Afterwards, Mi told Jael she had to go home immediately. Otherwise, her parents might get suspicious, and she couldn’t risk them finding out. The consequences for her were too horrible to think about. Jael promised to work out a plan so they could be together always.

Fate’s Intervention

Fate is an incredible ally. Jael and Mi didn’t know how lucky they could be. Even the weather gods seemed to want them together. That afternoon, another storm whipped up. Jael noticed the village elder, whom Mi was meant to marry, fishing on the lake. He wished the elder wouldn’t come home, as it was the only way he could have Mi. The storm was the worst the villagers had ever seen. That evening, a boat washed ashore without the elderly fisherman. Jael couldn’t believe his luck. He volunteered to search for the elder, whether out of fear or joy.


On the far shore of the lake, near Mi and Jael’s love cave, Jael found the elder, weak but alive. Jael told the elder he loved Mi and wanted her for himself. He expressed his horror that something so vibrant, young, and beautiful could be promised to an old man. Jael believed the elder couldn’t give Mi the passion and pleasure she deserved. Blinded by anger, the elder lunged at Jael, but struggling for breath, he had no hope. Jael laughed and told the elder he had already tasted Mi’s passion repeatedly.

Fatal Struggle

The elder didn’t believe Jael. His rage grew wilder. Jael told the elder he wouldn’t return alive and wouldn’t marry Mi. As the elder lay there, his breaths became ragged. Jael hoped he would die so he could have Mi for himself. The elder, however, seemed to gain strength. Overcome by love and passion for Mi, Jael plunged the elder’s head into the lake. The elder struggled, but after a while, the struggling stopped, and he drowned in Sun Moon Lake.

Thao Tribe Funeral

Jael returned the elder’s body to Mi’s tribe. The tribe thanked him for finding the body and allowing them to give the elder a proper Buddhist burial. They asked what they could do to reward him. He asked for Mi’s hand in marriage. His request was granted. Since the wedding had already been arranged for the following week, it was decided that Jael, as the one who found and brought back the elder, should be the substitute groom.

A New Beginning

Mi and Jael were married a week later. Instead of going to their new home for their first night together, they went to their cave. There, the passion they had previously shared rekindled. They no longer had to love in secrecy or hide their affection for each other. They were together forever. Eight and a half months later, their first child was born—a son. They believed he was conceived that first night of exquisite passion in the cave. No one in the village suspected anything. Jael has never told a soul he committed murder to be with his beloved.


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