Arrival in Taiwan
The Virgin Traveler – Sunlight beamed through the airplane window, almost blinding me. I couldn’t believe I had slept through the entire trip. So much for sitting near the window; I didn’t get to see the clouds from above. Usually, I don’t sleep while flying. I must have been exhausted from all the house chores before leaving Manila. Visiting relatives there adds a lot of meaning to my life. My Lola always watched every move I made, instructing me on what to do.
Reflections on Responsibility
“Do the dishes before rodents clean them for you,” she would say.
“Your laundry won’t wash itself,”
or “How can you breathe with all this dust?”
Despite being 24, my granny still dictated my actions. I wondered if I could ever accomplish anything without someone telling me what to do. The chores drained my energy, but I felt rejuvenated before landing in Taiwan. I had to meet a colleague for my blogging project. She mentioned a beautiful water church in Taipei worth writing about. Escaping my grandmother’s constant orders was a relief, so here I am.
Reunion with Claire
“Well, hello there, sexy!” greeted my friend Claire.
She grew up in Taiwan, and we met in UCLA during college. We were housemates and practically knew everything about each other.
“How’s Manila? How’s your family?” she asked, hugging me.
“Same old, granny still tells me what to do. Never gets tired of it.”
We strolled out of the airport with my luggage and into our waiting shuttle. It felt comforting to see a familiar face in an unfamiliar land.
Catching Up
“I’m so happy to see you, Claire. It’s been a while, huh?”
“You bet, Lex. There’s so much to tell you! But first, look at you! You used to be all chubby. What happened? Crash diet?”
“Stress,” I said, “lots of it.”
I winked at her, and we both laughed.
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
Claire is my best friend in the whole world. We did things together I could never have imagined. We drove motorcycles without helmets, sneaked into boys’ bathrooms, and climbed hills and mountains. We shouted from the peaks, cursing and laughing at the world.
Soul Sisters
Claire had a boyfriend in college. They’re still together, which meant she spent less time with me. I once caught them touching each other in the bathroom. It was disgusting. After graduation, she left California and moved to Taiwan with her boyfriend, Chang, while I stayed with my parents. Finding a job was hard until an online ad for a blogger/writer appeared. I applied and got the job. I never realized my creativity until I started writing. My parents thought I was wasting my life, but I didn’t mind. I earned and saved money.
Seeking Direction
I visited my grandma in the Philippines because I missed her and needed some direction. Although I had a job, I didn’t know what to do with my earnings. My savings had grown, but I lacked purpose. Grandma always said, “Start with household chores first, then you’ll realize something.” I found truth in her words. While washing dishes, I often thought about my past. I dreamed of owning a house, having a pet dog, running a restaurant, and raising children with a loving husband.
Arrival at Claire’s Home
“Lex, wake up!”
My thoughts and dreams trailed off. “We’re here!”
Claire and Chang’s house is in Su’ao Township, Yilan County, just minutes from the beach. Chang’s parents gifted them the house before Claire came into the picture. Chang’s family loved Claire, and I believed they were preparing for marriage.
“Wow, this house looks amazing, Claire.”
“I know, right? Come on, Chang’s waiting for us inside.”
The entrance was paved with beautiful marble. The cozy receiving area featured a brown leather couch, a mini library, a flat-screen TV, and a coffee table. Two life savers hung from the terrace.
Warm Welcome
Chang, a former lifeguard at the local beach, had memorabilia displayed.
“Hey, Lex, I’m glad to see you! How was your flight?” he asked, giving me a quick hug.
“It was okay. I slept through the trip, exhausted from doing house chores at grandma’s.”
We all burst out laughing.
“Yeah, that’s some life. Come on, let’s have lunch. I prepared seafood pasta and potato salad.”
“That sounds amazing. I’m starving,” I said truthfully.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.”
Exploring Taipei
After lunch, I asked Claire about the famous church she mentioned. She offered to give me a ride and dropped me off at the Shangri-La Hotel entrance. I arranged with the hotel management to view the beautiful church that seemed to float on water. Regular tourists couldn’t enter; only those holding wedding ceremonies were allowed inside. The church was a sight to behold, its ethereal beauty captured my imagination and inspired my writing. The tranquil water reflected the structure, creating a magical ambiance that felt almost otherworldly.
The Bond of Friendship
Claire and I shared a unique bond, almost like sisters. During our college days, we were inseparable, creating memories that still made us laugh. From our wild motorcycle rides to sneaking into places we shouldn’t have been, we lived life on the edge. Our adventures were endless, and our bond grew stronger with each escapade. Now, seeing her settled with Chang, I felt a pang of nostalgia but also immense happiness for my best friend.
A New Chapter
Moving to Taiwan for this blogging project felt like the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Away from the familiar confines of Manila and the watchful eyes of my grandmother, I felt a sense of freedom. Writing had become my passion, and exploring new places added fuel to my creativity. The water church in Taipei was just the beginning. I was eager to uncover more hidden gems and share my experiences with the world.
Future Dreams
As I navigated this new journey, thoughts of my future began to crystallize. The idea of owning a house, perhaps near the beach like Claire and Chang, appealed to me. I envisioned a life filled with love, creativity, and new adventures. The responsibilities I learned from my grandmother would serve me well, but now it was time to carve my path. The future seemed bright, and for the first time in a long while, I felt in control of my destiny.

The Virgin Traveler
Sun Moon Lake Storm
When they awoke, night had fallen, and the storm still raged outside. They realized they couldn’t safely return home, forcing them to spend the night in the cave. Throughout the night, their passion knew no bounds. They made love repeatedly, each time as intense as the first. At one point, Mi thought about the possibility of pregnancy. The idea of carrying Jael’s baby thrilled her, yet she dreaded the thought of marrying another man.
The Morning After
As dawn approached, they knew they had to return to their villages and explain their absence. The idea of running away together crossed their minds, but the risks were enormous. Mi dreaded facing her parents, who would demand explanations for her absence. The lack of food and hunting tools, apart from Jael’s fishing lines, added to their dilemma. They decided to leave early, hoping Mi could explain her absence as a result of seeking shelter from the storm.
Mi’s Dilemma
Upon returning to her village, Mi’s parents were relieved to see her safe. They accepted her explanation about seeking shelter from the storm. However, they informed her that her marriage to the elder was set for the following week. Mi was devastated. She couldn’t imagine a future with the elder, especially after experiencing the passion she shared with Jael. Her mother explained that choosing one’s husband was a blasphemy against tradition, further cementing Mi’s despair.
A Secret Meeting
That night, Mi lay in bed, her thoughts consumed by Jael and the love they shared. She felt trapped by tradition and her lack of autonomy. Determined to see Jael again, she decided to visit their cave the next day. Jael was waiting for her, and their reunion was filled with passion and urgency. The cave became their sanctuary, where they could express their love freely. Afterward, Mi knew she had to return home quickly to avoid arousing suspicion.
Storm and Fate
Later that afternoon, another storm hit the lake. Jael noticed the village elder, Mi’s intended husband, fishing in his boat. He wished for the elder not to return. The storm intensified, with rain, thunder, and lightning creating dangerous waves. That evening, the elder’s boat washed ashore without him. Jael saw this as an opportunity and volunteered to search for the elder, hoping to find a way to be with Mi.
The Confrontation
Jael found the elder, weak but alive, near their love cave. He confessed his love for Mi and expressed his horror at her being promised to an old man. Blinded by rage, the elder attacked Jael, but his weakened state gave Jael the upper hand. In a fit of desperation and anger, Jael drowned the elder in Sun Moon Lake. He returned the body to Mi’s tribe, claiming he had found it.
Thao Tribe Funeral
The tribe thanked Jael for finding the body, allowing them to perform a proper Buddhist burial. In gratitude, they asked how they could repay him. Jael requested Mi’s hand in marriage. His request was granted, as the wedding had already been planned. It was deemed fitting that Jael, who had found the elder’s body, should be the groom. A week later, Mi and Jael were married. Instead of spending their first night together in their new home, they returned to their cave, where their passion reignited.
A New Beginning
Mi and Jael no longer had to hide their love. They were now together forever. Eight and a half months later, Mi gave birth to their first child, a son. They believed he was conceived during their first night of passion in the cave. No one in the village suspected the truth about the elder’s death. Jael never revealed his dark secret, cherishing his life with Mi and their new family. Their love story, born out of passion and defiance, remained unspoken but deeply cherished.
Meeting Jason
The sunlight beamed through the airplane window, almost blinding me. I couldn’t believe I had slept through the entire trip. Usually, I don’t sleep while flying, but the exhaustion from chores in Manila had taken its toll. As I walked along the church corner, enjoying the rustic feel, a loud noise interrupted my peace.
“Excuse me, coming through!” A handsome man, possibly in his late twenties, appeared, holding a leashed St. Bernard.
The Unexpected Encounter
The dog almost knocked me into the lake, but the man managed to hold him back.
“Whoa, hey boy, easy! The frog’s gone, okay? You almost knocked her off.”
I was frozen, my mouth agape, and my scream came out as a chicken’s squawk. He was ruggedly handsome, with lean, muscular features.
“I’m sorry, miss; Halsey loves chasing frogs. I’m Jason, by the way.”
He held out his hand, but I was too stunned to respond.
An Awkward Introduction
“Are you okay, miss?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just…” I took a step back and fell into the water.
Jason grabbed my hand, but he also fell in. The lake was shallow, but we were drenched.
“Oh geez, it’s cold!” I muttered.
“Are you okay? Let me help you up. I have spare clothes in my hotel room.”
“Your hotel room?”
“Yeah, my sister’s getting married, and we were doing the wedding pictorial when Halsey chased the frog.”
“I see. No, I’m okay. I’ll just take a cab home.”
“No, I insist. Please, let me help you dry up.”

An Unforgettable Encounter
Jason helped me out of the water. My shirt clung to my curves, and I tried to cover myself.
“I’m fine; I can stand on my own, thanks.”
Walking through the hotel with a man I just met was awkward. I couldn’t help but glance at his wet, lean body. His cargo pants outlined his size, making me blush.
“So, what’s your name?”
“I’m Lex.”
“Lex, short for Alexis? Alexa?”
“Nice name. It’s unique.”
We walked past guests and staff until we reached the elevators. I was shivering from the cold.
A Moment of Connection
“Lex, I’m sorry about what happened. I didn’t mean to ruin your day.”
“It was an accident. I’ll just get out of these wet clothes.”
“I see.”
We waited quietly until we reached the 12th floor.
He opened the door to his spacious room. “Who are you sharing this room with?”
“No one.”
I had never been alone with a man before, especially one this attractive.
Dirty thoughts crossed my mind. “Let me get you a towel. The bathroom’s in the bedroom, to the left.”
A Sudden Intimacy
The bathroom was divine. I couldn’t wait to undress and warm up. I hadn’t noticed Jason standing in the doorway, a towel around his waist. I quickly covered myself.
“You don’t need to hide a body that sexy. Here’s your towel and some clothes. They’re my sister’s; I think you’re the same size.”
He advanced towards me.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m giving you your towel and clothes.”
“Okay, you can go now thank you.”
He seemed accustomed to seeing naked women. I needed to leave fast.
A Passionate Encounter
After dressing, I rushed out, only to realize I had left my bag.
“Hey sexy, need a ride?”
“No, my friend’s picking me up. I left my bag in your room.”
“I’m going with you.”
Back in his room, I retrieved my bag, but Jason touched my shoulder.
“I have to go.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”
He kissed me gently, and I melted. Our kiss deepened, and we couldn’t stop. He undressed me, his touch igniting my senses. The pleasure was overwhelming, and I felt complete.
A New Beginning
We lay in bed, talking until sunrise. Jason shared his dream of getting married in the Eternal Water Church. I returned to Claire with more than just a story. Five years later, I came back to Yilan, not to write about the church, but to get married there. Jason had found the one, and so had I.
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