Shanlinxi Nature Area
Finding An Angel In The Moonlight – Shanlinxi Nature Area in Nantou County, Taiwan, is a popular forest and recreation area. Located just a two-hour drive from Taichung, it sits elevated high enough that visitors often find themselves walking in the fog and clouds. This beautiful hiking destination boasts stunning waterfalls, including the Blue Dragon Waterfall, hiking trails, and an education center.
Lost in the Forest
As late afternoon approached, shadows grew darker, and the sunlight faded in the now misty Shanlinxi forest. Angel found herself lost and alone. She had wandered off the marked path after spotting a group of monkeys in the bushes. Following them, she lost her way and fear began to creep in.
“Only a few minutes more till I find the path,” she repeatedly told herself, walking among the massive Cypress trees.
She had been trying to get the perfect shot, but minutes turned into an hour, and panic began to set in.
Panic Sets In
After another hour of futile searching, she began to cry. The cold started to seep in as the chilly evening descended. Were her clothes warm enough to last the night? She sat down at the trunk of an ancient cypress tree, thousands of years old, contemplating her dire circumstance. Her only hope was to bump into someone else or be found by a forest guide. She cursed herself for not obeying the signs:
“Stay on the Path!”
Angel called out into the fading light, but there was no answer. She could no longer hear the waterfalls or the river. Trying her phone one last time, she found only one bar of signal and a low battery. The recorded message confirmed there was no signal.
A Cry for Help
With all her might, she yelled, “HELP! HELP ME, PLEASE!”
“Hello!” A strange male voice called from above in the cypress trees. Angel stopped and looked around, seeing no one.
“Hello, lady!” The voice called out again, emanating from above. She stared up into the trees in the half-fading light and finally saw him. The voice belonged to a man perched high in the tree. His deep voice and African American accent filled her with hope.
A Glimmer of Hope
“Hello,” Angel answered, a sense of relief washing over her. She had been found. The man climbed down from the cypress tree, photographic equipment swinging from his neck.
A New Companion
“I’m Jack Spencer, pleased to meet you, Ma’am,” he introduced himself politely, making Angel giggle. He was so tall, at least two meters, towering over her petite 150 cm frame.

Angel In The Moonlight
Encounter with Jack
Angel looked up into his face; his eyes were dark, and he towered over her. His eyes were deep brown, and his shaved head seemed to shine with its own life. He wore cargo pants and a sweatshirt, and beneath the clothes, she could see he was extremely muscular. She also noticed the huge bulge in his pants and wondered if the stories about Negro men and their massive penises were true.
Realizing she was staring at his crotch and that he had noticed, she giggled like a little girl and felt shy and nervous. Her rescuer was a foreigner. Would she be safe with him, or was it better to find her own way through the forest?
An Introduction
Jack said, “So, do you speak English?”
Angel nodded, “Yes, I am an English teacher. Hello. My name is Angel. I am lost.”
“Don’t worry,” he reassured her, “I know this forest well. I will take you back. What are you doing out here all by yourself? Didn’t you see the signs?”
Angel blushed, “Yes, I did, so sorry. But I followed the monkeys.”
Jack laughed, a deep and cheery laugh. “Ahh yes, the monkeys. They are very entertaining. That is why I was in the trees. I love to photograph them, especially in the early evening. I am a photographer and specialize in nature. They are very naughty and cheeky.”
Walking Through the Forest
They began to walk slowly through the trees. Insects buzzed, and the night was cool but not cold. He took a jacket from his backpack and put it over her shoulders without saying a word. He was not a very talkative man. Angel decided to ask him some questions, curious to know more about this stranger.
“Jack, are you a good… I mean, is your photos… I mean, how do you photograph?” Angel’s English was good, but she found herself tongue-tied around this man.
He stopped, smiled, and looked intently at her. “Angel, I photograph animals in their natural habitat. I photograph beautiful settings, and I especially enjoy photographing beautiful women. Just like you!”
An Invitation
Angel felt herself blush and wondered if he noticed. There was something that attracted her to this man.
“Would you pose for me? It is getting dark now, and the moon is just coming out. You can see it trying to sneak through the clouds. It is almost ethereal, and I would love to photograph you in the moonlight.”
Angel hesitated.
“The moon will cast off the perfect light in about two hours, and I know the perfect place, not far from here.”
Angel was tempted. She had always fantasized about having an affair with a black man, and posing for one, well, wouldn’t that be almost the same?
Jack smiled, reached for her hand, and said, “I promise there will be nothing inappropriate, only the soft moonlight shining on your beautiful body and shadows on your face. You will be the perfect model.”
Building Trust
Angel’s heart beat faster and faster. It was madness. She didn’t know him at all. Anything could happen. Maybe something would. However, she felt like she could trust him, even though they had just met. He was tall and strong, and his voice was confident and deep. Without meeting him, she would be lost in the forest, and if he wanted to do anything to her, he already could have. His confident manner made her feel like they had been friends forever, and deep down, she hoped they would be.
As they walked through the forest, he spoke about his passion for life, photography, nature, his family back in New York, and his dream of traveling throughout Asia.
Opening Up
For someone she initially thought was quiet, he had opened up. But not with dribble; everything he said was of substance. It was like he had empowered himself to only use words that he meant. The more he spoke, the fonder of him she became.
Arrival at the Secret Spot
Jack then said, “We are here.”
“What?” she said in a disappointed voice. “I thought you said it was a two-hour walk!”
Jack replied, “Angel, we have been walking for more than two hours.”
She couldn’t believe it. It had felt like only minutes, so caught up in what he had to say that time had just vanished. “I’m so sorry, time must have slipped away from me. Jack, I haven’t thanked you for finding me. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come along.”
Gratitude and Revelations
Jack said, “You are very welcome. But I must thank you, Angel. You are a wonderful person to trust me enough to photograph you. I’m sure your boyfriend must be wondering where you are now that it’s night?”
Angel blushed, “I broke up with my boyfriend today. That’s why I came to the park. I needed some time to myself. I’m glad it’s over, and after meeting you, I know it was the right choice. There are people out there, like you, who are just so much nicer and more interesting.”
“Wow, I guess I am sad for him, but it’s lucky for me that we could meet. Fate, I’d say, or perhaps destiny?”
The Perfect Spot
Jack stopped at the edge of a group of trees. There were a few big boulders and a deep pool of water. The sound of a waterfall in the distance could be heard. The moon had risen, and silver light transformed the trees and branches into slow-moving silver-green arms covered in fog. The calls of the insects seemed louder as they came closer to the water. It was very pretty. The full moon was bright and golden, the light reflected in the perfectly calm water. Not even a ripple disturbed the surface.
“It’s so beautiful. I think we should put our feet in the water,” Angel suggested and started to take off her shoes. “If we have time, of course, relax a bit before we get to work.” Angel felt bold and shy at the same time.
Jack said, “You are crazy; it is pretty cool up here, but what the heck. I have a towel in my backpack. Let’s do it.”
Embracing the Moment
Jack laughed and tossed off his shoes, and they both walked to the water’s edge. The water was cold, and the night air cool.
“Shall we jump in? It seems a waste to go this far and not do the job completely!” Jack said, his voice husky and slow.
Angel looked up at him, her breath caught in her chest. He was so well-built, this African American man. She could see the muscles in his arms and had noted his broad thighs. His hands were confident as he had reached for hers before. They were strong, and he was pulling off his shirt and flung it into the bushes. Moonlight washed over his body. Angel couldn’t help but stare at him. He was beautiful. He undid the zip in his trousers, and Angel turned away. The sound teased her senses. She peeked at him anyway; he was standing in his boxer shorts. Moonlight shone right through them, and she could see every inch, or to be correct, the many inches of him. He might as well have taken them off.
A Moonlit Transformation
Angel held her breath and unfastened her blouse. The buttons were tight and difficult to undo. She tugged at her shirt and wrenched it off her body. She slipped out of her jeans and stood in her panties and bra, thankful she was wearing a new white lace set.
Jack was mesmerized. She might as well have been naked; her underwear left very little to the imagination, what little there was. Jack was very turned on and ran into the lake.
“Come into the water,” Jack called out.
Angel stood in the moonlight, a feeling of freedom washing over her body. Along with the moonlight, she felt like a new woman. There was nothing she couldn’t do or wouldn’t do. She felt a part of the natural world, like the men and women of ancient times. There were no rules to obey in Shaninxi forest. They were just a young man and a woman together with nature. They were attracted to each other. What did it matter if they were strangers? Angel was free. She could do anything she liked on a night like tonight. She walked slowly into the water.

Moonlit Enchantment
Jack watched her walk towards him. Her body was bathed in silver light, her straight black hair hung down her back in a silk curtain. She was a fantasy come to life, this mysterious oriental woman he had met just a few short hours ago. Time stopped, the night went darker around them, and they felt like the only two people existing in the world. She was a Taiwan angel come to life. She almost seemed to float towards him, the water barely moved.
Jack watched her dive into the water and swim towards him. His heart was in his chest, his body aching, and his cock becoming erect. He wanted to touch her. He longed to feel the smooth, delicate porcelain skin and the beauty of her body. He yearned to taste the softness of her lips. She swam to him slowly, every stroke perfect. Her delicate arms dipped into the water, and her slim legs floated behind her. She was a water nymph.
First Connection
“You are so beautiful in the moonlight,” Jack said softly, his voice a whisper.
Angel smiled shyly, “The water is wonderful.”
He said, “Yes, it is.”
She said, “I feel so free.”
He said, “So do I.” Jack answered, leaning closer to her. “I had a dream I would meet a beautiful Asian woman on my travels.”
Angel looked up at his handsome face and saw him smiling at her. She returned his smile and felt free and fearless. She leaned forward, closer to him. She placed her hands on his chest and felt his heart beating. He placed his hands over hers.
“I can feel your heartbeat,” she said.
“It only beats for you,” Jack answered, slipping his arms around her.
Embrace in the Moonlight
They were so close that Angel could feel his breath on her skin. She could feel the stubble of his two-day growth graze her face. He kissed her neck, his lips warm on her skin. Her every nerve tingled, and the world around her spun. Moonlight and water washed over them. They clung to each other as the insects buzzed around them, lips meeting lips, and tasting the sweet freedom of a stranger’s love. He was gentle and kind and told her again how beautiful she was. Jack spun her through the water, pulling her body against his. This was going to be Angel’s most erotic Taiwan story ever.
“You are so handsome and strong,” Angel said, stroking his cheek and kissing his neck.
Sensual Realization
His muscular body was so hard. Angel couldn’t help but compare him to her ex-boyfriend, Chen. Chen was skinny and had no muscles at all. The way he moved and spoke was always erratic, making her feel nervous. This man was strong and gentle and made her feel so delicate and small. In his arms, she felt more powerful and weak at the same time.
“I think we should take the pictures now,” Jack said, kissing her softly.
Angel was disappointed that he wanted to leave the water and take pictures. Surely, it was enough to spend such wonderful time together. Jack walked out and got his cameras ready.
Preparing for the Photoshoot
“Where do you want me?” Angel asked.
Jack chuckled, “Why everywhere, of course. But for now, can you stand in the water and look up at the moon?”
Angel nodded, “I am in my underwear. What do you want me to wear?”
Jack said, “If you wouldn’t mind taking them off.”
Angel felt shy, but she could not deny him, and she wanted him so bad now. She took off her bra first, revealing a pair that would grace the cover of the illustrated Kama Sutra with pride. The nipples were pointed and erect, and with the cold water dripping off them, Jack just wanted to envelop them in his hands to warm them up. He wanted to take those areolas deep in his mouth, sucking them until she would squirm in ecstasy.
As she slowly slipped down her panties, she revealed her almost hairless fanny. It always bewildered him how most oriental women were so silky and smooth. He just wanted to touch her, to be with her.
Capturing the Moment
Jack said, “Can you lie down in the water, please?” He walked to her and moved her arms and legs, getting her into a more relaxed and erotic position. He picked up his camera and aimed it at her. Angel felt quite shy and turned her head away.
Moonlit Photoshoot
“Relax, honey, you are beautiful. The moonlight is beautiful. You are a goddess. Your body is amazing. You should see the shots that I am getting.”
Jack smiled at her, and her confidence grew.
“Yes, gorgeous, just like that. Now look at me. Better. Now turn around. Yes. Lean forward. A little more. Now look back at me. Look naughty. Like you’ve just been surprised.”
Angel felt even more confident.
“You’re a natural, Angel. Have you ever thought of doing any modeling work? You could make a fortune. That hot body. You are a waste as a teacher, you could be making so much money. You are so hot. Yeah, baby. Give me sexy!”
Posing with Confidence
Angel pouted her lips, put her hands on her hips, got up, strutted, turned, and blew kisses at Jack. Her wet body glistened in the moonlight as she placed her hands over her breasts.
“Oh my God, that’s the shot, more like that, you are so hot!”
Jack moved her onto the rocks and helped her up one of the boulders.
“You are so sexy, the light is amazing. I want you to look up at the moon and show me your inner moon goddess. You are the night. You are the moon. You are all woman. You are so hot.”
Jack guided her on how to pose and what to do with her hair. The shots were amazing, possibly the best he had ever taken. He knew they would sell fast and make him a lot of money. He took some more shots by the trees.
Feeling the Chill
Angel said, “I’m starting to feel a little cold.” Goosebumps ran up and down her flesh. She was thirsty too. Somehow, in all the excitement, she hadn’t thought about her stomach, but now she was cold, hungry, and a little tired.
Jack said, “I am so sorry, Angel. I was so carried away with your beauty that I did not even think about how you were feeling.”
She said, “I think I am feeling in love with you a little bit. You are my erotic story.”
Jack laughed that deep and hearty laugh of his, and she knew that she had fallen hard for this man.
Under the Tree
He said, “Believe it or not, it is almost dawn. Why don’t we lay underneath the tree and use our body heat to warm us up. Let’s put some clothes on first.”
Angel was a bit disappointed as she was so hot for Jack Spencer and was hoping that their erotic encounter would end up in heated passion. However, she felt extremely exhausted, and it would be so much better when they woke. They put their clothes on, and Angel was enveloped by Jack’s strong arms. As the last of the moonlight washed over their bodies, she fell into a deep sleep.
The Morning After
Angel awoke a short time later to the sounds of people shouting, “Hello, Hello.” Jack was nowhere to be seen. A short time later, two park rangers appeared and ran over, “Are you alright, miss? Are you okay?”
Angel got to her feet and said, “Where is Jack?”
The rangers looked perplexed and said, “We have been searching for you, miss. There are others out looking for you too. We have image recognition technology at the park’s entrance to monitor the visitors, and it showed that you had not left the park yesterday. You have been lost—and to be quite honest, lucky still to be alive. It was very cold last night.”
Angel said in a more demanding voice, “Where is Jack? Jack Spencer. The cameraman from New York who is photographing the monkeys in the park. Surely you must know of him.”
Both rangers had a shocked look on their faces, and one said, “Miss, you must not joke like this.”
Angel said, “You think I am joking? I spent the night with this man. He rescued me when I was lost. Where is he?”
The ranger said, “Miss, Jack Spencer died ten years ago in this forest. He fell from the cypress tree whilst photographing the monkeys.”
A Haunting Revelation
Angel stood there, her mind reeling from the ranger’s words. The man who had saved her, who had made her feel alive and beautiful, was a ghost. The memories of his touch, his laughter, and his warmth flooded back with an eerie clarity. She glanced around, hoping to see a sign of him, but there was nothing but the serene forest bathed in the early morning light. The rangers’ concerned faces brought her back to reality.
“I’m not joking,” Angel insisted, her voice trembling. “I spent the night with him. He was real.”
The rangers exchanged glances, their expressions softening with understanding. “Miss, the forest is known for its legends and spirits. Perhaps Jack’s spirit was drawn to you, sensing your need for help.”
Angel shivered, not from the cold but from the realization that her experience was otherworldly. She touched the pendant around her neck, a gift from Jack, and felt a strange comfort. The forest seemed to whisper around her, the leaves rustling with a gentle breeze as if sharing her secret.
Exiting The Park
With the rangers’ help, she made her way back to the park’s entrance, her mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. As she stepped out of the forest, she looked back one last time, silently thanking Jack for his help and for the unforgettable night. The forest held many secrets, and she knew that Jack’s spirit would forever be a part of her story.
Years later, whenever she visited Shanlinxi Nature Area, she would feel a warm presence beside her, a reminder of the man who had shown her the beauty of the night and the mystery of the forest. Angel knew she would never be alone, for Jack’s spirit watched over her, a guardian of her heart and soul.
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