The Stranger of Shifen
Erotic Stories,  Taiwan Stories

The Stranger of Shifen – A Erotic Thrilling Tale Of Passion

Exploring Pingxi Area

Erotic Encounter With The Stranger of Shifen – I looked through the pathways that comprised the Pingxi area, Shifen Old Street. I could see the Shifen railway station, its tracks remaining behind and unchanged as they trailed through the peaceful village. They stood as a memory of how they were once used to transport coal to the surrounding areas. Locals would cross the tracks almost as if they weren’t there, a quiet reminder of how times had changed since the Japanese had occupied the land.

Bustling Marketplace

Everything seemed surreal. The bustling marketplace, situated around the station, sold handcrafted goods, tourist memorabilia, and delicious foods. Xiaochi snacks tempted hungry travelers and locals. I continued my walk to the Shifen Waterfall, just 25 minutes away. As I walked, I remembered photos of the Sky Lantern Festival. People from all over the world would visit to write down their secret hopes and aspirations on Chinese lanterns and release them into the sky.

Finding Peace

“This feels real,” I thought, looking around me. I chose a rock and sat down to gather my thoughts. Peace emerged from a small place within me, and I just knew it was right.

I thought about the summer, knowing I had to escape the city, needing a break from my work and life. It had been three months since the breakup, and it felt like I had moved on. But recently, sitting alone after work in an empty house, I realized the emotional turmoil I was in. I started working longer hours, stopped meeting my friends to avoid questions, and excused myself from all social gatherings to avoid bumping into him. Alex.

Reflection and Solitude

She had a smile that made the world seem brighter. Her blue eyes reflected the colors around her. The gentle wind swayed her long, light blonde hair that rested on her breasts. Today, she wore a navy blue floral V-neck dress tied at her small waist and brown sandals that complemented her light skin tone.

Just as I was taking in the fresh air and the lovely sound of the waterfall, I thought about how I decided to come to Taiwan. A place whose culture I’d never learned about, for an experience I hadn’t longed for but suddenly wanted. I used all my work leave to come here for a week, to relieve myself of all the tension and worry back home, and just live in a peaceful cottage near Shifen Waterfall, lost in my thoughts amidst nature.

A Distraction

Suddenly, a small sound distracted me. I looked over my shoulder to see what it was. At this point, I needed time to heal, and any disturbance in my mind was met with resentment that my brain had taught itself to feel ever since I came to Taiwan.

The soft dusky sun settled behind the falls, and the leaves reflected the dull orange color of the sun’s shy rays. People rarely visited in the evening, so I was a little surprised. It was dark, and I had to squint my eyes to see who it was. Seemed like a tall, broad man, walking right towards me. I looked ahead, assuming he must be another visitor here to see the beautiful Shifen, and resumed my relaxed state, eyes closed, breathing in the fresh air, engrossed in my thoughts.

The Stranger of Shifen

When I opened my eyes, I saw him, the man I’d seen earlier, looking over the Shifen Waterfalls as he stood against the railing. He must have heard me because he turned his head around. The stranger from Shifen.

Stranger Sex In Taiwan

A Mysterious Encounter

“Hi,” he said, moving his hands as if to show me something. Intrigued, I walked up to him.

“Do you see that?” he asked, pointing towards the cascading water. My face must have shown my puzzlement because he proceeded to explain.

“I come here every year, and you look new here because, amidst this wonderful beauty, you had your eyes closed.” I frowned, realizing he was right. I had been too self-involved to appreciate the stunning nature around me.

A Lesson in Appreciation

“Look at how the sun shines on these waters, how these rocks call this place home. It’s wonderful and splendid, just like nature. We can never truly appreciate this if we don’t escape our problems and miseries and learn to embrace our surroundings, including ourselves.” His tone had a smoothness that captivated me instantly. He seemed genuine, his eyes shining with a delightful mystery. I couldn’t look away. Occasionally, it felt like I saw them reflect the same attraction I felt towards him, but I dismissed it, thinking it was just my imagination.

Deepening the Connection

We talked some more, about nature and random things that never mattered in our lives back home. It was fun and flirtatious. I had never done anything like this—talking to a stranger about everything and nothing in a foreign land.

As he spoke, his head tilted charmingly. I couldn’t help but notice his chiseled face and how the warm sun bronzed his skin. His broad shoulders and muscular arms seemed worthy of grabbing and pulling closer. Suddenly, I realized I was really attracted to him. It must have been evident because I caught him staring at my flushed face. He stopped talking and looked at me intently. We both knew what we were feeling.

Building Attraction

My heart was beating so hard and fast I was sure I was skipping beats. It had been so long since a man looked at me like that, igniting erotic feelings within me. Alex and I had lost our spark long before we ended. I smiled hesitantly, and he knew what I was thinking. His gaze moved from my eyes to my lips, then to my breasts, where my nipples were visible through my shirt. I saw the bulge in his shorts and knew he was just as attracted to me.

Unspoken Desires

Embarrassed yet amused, I realized this was overwhelming. I was almost ready to leave when he slowly grazed his finger along my collarbone and tilted his head towards my neck as if to kiss it. I stopped right there. I knew I needed to stay. He was far too tempting. I tilted my head back, feeling a rush of electricity in my body with his one touch. Longing for something I knew he longed for too. But there was no kiss, just his warm breath on my neck and his fingers lightly tracing my arm.

A Tempting Tease

“You’re such a tease,” I whispered, pulling back and looking straight into his eyes. “What man doesn’t make his intentions clear? And if so, what kind of a man is he, really?”

He looked back at me with his warm hazel eyes. They breathed fire that I just wanted to be consumed in. My cheeks turned hotter, and I realized the cool wind had no effect on me as dusk broke into darkness. I could feel the tension between us building. My heart was thudding so loud I bet he could hear it. Within seconds, he leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. My mind was completely empty, and all I could think of was how wonderful his lips felt against mine.

Consuming Passion

Within seconds, we were furiously kissing, my back against a tree in the shadows of the dusk, the soft murmurs of the waterfall providing a soundtrack to our passion. My face, hot with pleasure, was consumed by the fire between us. I gasped as I felt his hands move beneath my shirt, feeling me up completely. His hands felt rough against my soft skin, making me want him more. I could feel him move his hands up my skirt, caressing my thighs with a sense of urgency, as if holding off from tearing my clothes then and there.

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Consuming Passion

I softly bit his lip and forced my tongue into his mouth as I bit harder. I knew I’d done it. Driven him wild. He tugged at my panties, and within seconds, his hand was between my legs, onto my wet, slippery slit. His hands felt cold against my sweet spot, and I moaned softly in pleasure as he started rubbing, feeling my swollen clit. He stopped for a brief moment and looked at me before lowering the top of my shirt with his teeth, revealing my breasts. Just as I thought it couldn’t get any hotter, I felt his mouth on my breasts, suckling softly on my nipples.

Overwhelming Desire

I was so wet; I could feel it running down my thighs. All I wanted was him. This stranger had me so wild and driven with lust that I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Let’s go to my room.”

He denied, both of us pulsating with energy.

“I’m going to take you right here, and you’re going to love it.” As much as I wanted to refuse, there was a sense of urgency in his voice and a promise I knew was real.

Taking Control

He picked me up and had me against another tree in seconds. Before I realized what was happening, the man sunk to his knees, revealing me fully between my legs. My head was thrown back as I murmured in delight. My mouth opened wide, gasping as he touched me gently. His fingers softly rubbed me in circular motions, just how I would touch myself on warm lonely nights after the breakup. I whimpered as the cold breeze blew at me, combined with the warmth of his hands. Within seconds, my top was off, and so were his clothes. He rubbed his erect penis along the length of my wet slit as I moaned some more.

Intense Pleasure

His hand reached up to cup my breasts as the other grabbed my buttocks, and suddenly he was on his knees again. His head moved in closer towards me, and I threw my leg over his shoulder, spreading myself open for him. He grabbed me harder. I grabbed his hair.

“Oh, fuck yes, baby. Lick it there, oh yes.”

His tongue felt so good, warm as his face was deep inside my wet slit. “Oh, fuck baby, that’s good,” I said, looking down to see him busy, eating me out like a thirsty boy.

“Put your fingers in.”

He did as I ordered, and I moaned louder. Before I knew it, I’d cum in his mouth. He came back up and kissed me harder, making me taste myself, telling me how sweet I tasted. I wanted more. One look into his eyes, and I knew he wanted it too. I took him to the edge of the bed, and before I could do anything else, he had me bent over on the edge of the bed.

Unleashed Passion

He leaned against my back and brought my hands together behind me. His lips brushed my ears as he said,

“Hey you, I’m going to fuck you. And baby, you’re gonna love it.”

I didn’t even think twice before I moaned in agreement. I felt his shaft slide inside me slowly as he cupped my breasts with one hand, rubbing my clit with the other. He pushed himself in as deep as he could, leaving me breathless and asking for more. He held onto me as he thrust harder, making me cry out loud, moaning and gyrating against him.

Reaching Climax

I pushed back, slamming myself against him as he buried deep inside me. I heard him gasp as he felt himself get deeper and deeper each time. His hands on my hips now, pulling me closer towards him. I felt his hands on my clit, rubbing furiously as he took me from behind. I could feel myself nearing climax. One more push, and I was lost, going into a whole different world, screaming as with one final slam, my orgasm washed over me. The muscles of my pelvis and thighs tightened with delicious pleasure, trembling and shaking as my legs tightened around him.


I could hear his knees relaxing, his grip on me getting softer, and his sweaty chest against my back. As soon as I whirled out of the suddenness my orgasm had brought, I realized he was just as spent as I was. For hours, we lay there, both of us on the ground, with our clothes hastily pulled over to avoid a public confrontation, secretly amused with the wetness between our legs.

I was the first to leave. With one last kiss and one long look, he was just as strange as the waiter across the dining table the next morning. I found myself engrossed in his thoughts, the Stranger of Shifen.

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