Still in Love
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Signs Your Boyfriend Is Still in Love With The Ex

Dating a Guy Who Is Still in Love with His Ex

Still in Love – Have you ever dated a guy who is still in love with his ex? Perhaps he has gone through a toxic relationship in the past or a relationship that didn’t work out. If so, you might feel insecure at times, wondering, “Is he still in love with his ex?” It’s crucial to understand if your partner has moved on from past drama or still needs your emotional support.

Recognizing the Signs

In many cases, his ex might return, leaving you heartbroken. If this resonates with you, stay tuned. This post will highlight some unusual signs that can help you determine if your boyfriend is still in love with his ex.


Know yourself! If you are constantly asking your partner if he is still in love with his ex, this advice might not be for you. You need to address your own insecurities. This is more for someone in a healthy relationship who just has a gut feeling they want to explore. Remember, you need more than one sign to confirm your suspicions.

Subtle Signs to Watch For

There are subtle signs to watch for if you suspect your boyfriend might still have feelings for his ex. Does he frequently mention her in conversations, even in passing? Does he compare you to her, whether positively or negatively? These small comments can reveal a lot about where his heart truly lies. It’s important to pay attention to these details without jumping to conclusions.

Emotional Distance

Emotional distance can be a significant indicator. If your boyfriend seems emotionally unavailable or distant, he might still be processing feelings for his ex. This doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to get back with her, but it could indicate unresolved emotions. Be aware of how engaged he is in your relationship. Does he seem fully present, or is there a part of him that feels far away?

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Ex Dating

Social Media Behavior

His social media behavior can also offer clues. Does he still interact with his ex online? Likes, comments, and other interactions might suggest lingering feelings. While it’s normal to maintain some level of contact, excessive interaction can be a red flag. Observe how he engages with her posts and whether it seems to go beyond casual friendliness.

As in most of the cases in this type of relationship, his ex returns back and you end up broken into pieces. If this sounds like something you then stay tuned. Through this post, I’m going to shoot you some unusual signs also your boyfriend that will confirm if he is still in love with his ex.

Still Have Ex Memorabilia

A common sign that your boyfriend hasn’t moved on is that he keeps his ex’s stuff. This doesn’t refer to expensive luxury items like a Rolex watch or a car. If you walk around his house and see a bunch of ex-memorabilia, or if he has a box of his ex’s stuff with even a tiny item he can’t get rid of, that’s a red flag. Sometimes, the ex could be a camgirl, and you might find websites like or Gay Cams from Gaycamsfun in his internet history.

When you ask him about it, observe his reaction. If he throws a tantrum, tries to avoid the question, or gets upset about you asking why his ex’s stuff is still around, it’s concerning. If he hasn’t put that box of stuff in the garbage yet, you need to have a conversation with him about it.

Upset When His Ex Is Dating Someone New

If your boyfriend gets sorrowful and mopes around the house because his ex is dating someone new, it’s a bad sign. This clearly indicates he might still be hung up on his ex. He shouldn’t care if he has truly moved on. The duration of his sadness is also an issue, especially if he takes it out on you. A major red flag is if he explicitly tells you, “I’m sad because I just found out that Jaz is in a new relationship.”

As in most of the cases in this type of relationship, his ex returns back and you end up broken into pieces. If this sounds like something you then stay tuned. Through this post, I’m going to shoot you some unusual signs also your boyfriend that will confirm if he is still in love with his ex.

You Haven’t Met Their Friends or Family

If you’ve just started dating, not meeting his friends or family isn’t a big deal. However, if you are six months to a year into the relationship and haven’t met anyone, this could be a significant red flag.

Instead of directly asking if his family met his ex, be subtle. Ask questions like, “Hey! When you were dating, what did your family like and dislike about your ex-girlfriend? What did your friends think of her?”

These questions can provide clear insights. If he avoids introducing you to his family, it’s a major red flag. He might be using you as a temporary distraction to forget his past trauma.

Still in Love

Navigating a relationship with someone who might still have feelings for their ex can be challenging. By recognizing these signs and having open conversations, you can determine whether your partner has moved on or still needs to process their emotions. Ensuring clear communication and understanding your partner’s past can help build a stronger, healthier relationship moving forward.

doll sex

A Sex Doll Saved My Marriage

The Beauty of Falling in Love

Falling in love is a beautiful experience. Loving someone so deeply that you want to spend your life with them is perhaps the best feeling known to humans. Everyone hopes to meet that special someone who gives them butterflies. When two people fall in love, they hope the feeling will last forever. However, no one really contemplates that forever is a very long time.

The Beginning of Greg and Rebecca’s Love Story

For Greg and Rebecca, their love story began in college at a friend’s party. It was love at first sight, and they soon became inseparable. After their first kiss, they knew the feeling couldn’t be ignored. When they made love, it felt like they belonged together. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other and tied the knot shortly after graduating from college.

The Early Years of Marriage

The first few years of marriage were amazing for the young couple. They were intoxicated by the love they shared, and everything seemed to turn them on. Their love life was eventful, and they made love as often as they could. Everything about Rebecca turned Greg on. He spent most of his day either thinking about being intimate with his wife or being intimate with her.

He often woke Rebecca up with his face between her legs, his tongue flicking on her pussy, sending waves of pleasure across her body. Other times, Rebecca woke Greg up by taking his hard cock into her mouth and deep-throating him from dreamland to reality.

Passionate Intimacy Everywhere

Greg and Rebecca made love like bunnies during the early years of their marriage. They were intimate in the shower, with Greg bending Rebecca over the couch for a quickie before work. They even made love in the elevator at the cinema and in the back of the car on their way home from a date night. It felt so good that the couple wished it would last forever. However, as they would find out, forever is indeed a very long time.

The Arrival of Twins and Its Impact

Six years after tying the knot, Greg and Rebecca had twins, and their arrival significantly impacted Rebecca’s body. Between raising two babies and juggling a career, Rebecca was always exhausted and didn’t have time to hit the gym to maintain her figure. The twins’ arrival meant Greg had to work harder to provide for his expanded family and assist Rebecca at home. Parenthood affected their love life, forcing them to sacrifice their adventurous sex life.

Struggles with Intimacy

Greg still had a large sexual appetite for his wife and tried to revive their sex life, adding excitement to it. However, he often contended with a perpetually exhausted wife. Sex became sporadic, feeling routine and mechanical when it happened. The excitement and spontaneity that characterized their early sex life were gradually slipping away.

Increasing Disinterest in Sex

Over time, Rebecca became more disinterested in sex, struggling to cope with Greg’s sexual appetite. Greg tried discussing their issues, identifying problems, and finding solutions. Despite his efforts, the answer eluded him. After several failed attempts to spice up their sex life, Greg gave up. He suggested seeing a sex therapist, but Rebecca refused. She argued that their life was normal and happy, and Greg’s sexual appetite was the only problem. She wasn’t willing to discuss her sexual urges with a stranger just because Greg wanted more sex.

Greg’s Frustration and Dilemma

Greg knew he couldn’t change Rebecca’s mind and found the situation frustrating. “What is marriage without making love to the woman I love?” he thought. The idea of having an affair crossed his mind. He felt it wasn’t fair for Rebecca to be passive about their sex life, and it wouldn’t be unjustified for him to seek satisfaction elsewhere. Greg considered keeping a mistress or visiting a brothel, but every time the thought crossed his mind, he envisioned Rebecca and his twin girls. He didn’t want to lose his family.

Losing his marriage over his sexual libido wasn’t worth it. He knew he had to find another way to satisfy his desires within the confines of his marriage.

Exploring a New Solution

Greg considered his options and arrived at the best decision for himself and his marriage. He bought a sex doll online. Initially skeptical, Greg believed a sex doll couldn’t compare to the feeling of a real vagina. However, he soon discovered he was wrong. Greg brought home his sex doll without telling his wife. Given the existing friction around sex-related conversations with Rebecca, he thought it was better to keep it a secret.

Unpacking the Experience

Greg unpacked his love doll in his bedroom and marveled at its remarkable resemblance to a human. He explored the body and found it as tender as a woman’s. He rubbed some lubricant on his finger and inserted it into the doll’s vagina, astonished by how lifelike it felt. The sensation aroused Greg, making him extremely hard. Consumed by the desire to penetrate the doll, he decided to proceed.

Satisfying His Desires

Greg applied lubrication to his dick and slowly inserted it into his new doll, savoring the pleasure. It had been a while since he had experienced a pussy eager for his dick, and this delighted him. The way the vagina gripped his dick sent him into another dimension of sexual ecstasy. He started thrusting with slow strokes, enjoying the sensation. Closing his eyes, he imagined Rebecca with her legs spread before him, his dick deep inside her.

A New Kind of Intimacy

The experience with the sex doll provided Greg with the intimacy and satisfaction he had been missing. He found himself able to release his pent-up desires without the stress of dealing with Rebecca’s disinterest. Each session with the doll allowed him to fulfill his fantasies and maintain his loyalty to his wife. This unconventional solution helped Greg navigate his sexual frustration while keeping his family intact.

Greg knew there was nothing he could do to change Rebecca’s mind. He found the situation frustrating. What is marriage without making love to the woman I love? Greg thought. The thought of having an affair crossed his mind. He felt it wasn’t fair for Rebecca to be passive towards their sex life and it wouldn’t be unjustified for him to find other ways to satisfy his sexual desire.

Greg considered keeping a mistress or frequenting a brothel, but every time the thought crossed his mind, the image of Rebecca and his twin girls crossed his mind and he didn’t want to lose his family. Losing his marriage over his sexual libido wasn’t worth it and he knew he had to one-up with another way to satisfy his sexual desires within the confines of his marriage.

The Doll Felt Like Home

The doll felt like home to Greg’s dick, and he relished the sensation. He imagined Rebecca matching his stroke, yelling his name, and begging him to go deeper. Responding to this fantasy, he increased his pace and rammed his dick deeper into the doll. The pleasure became unbearable, and Greg couldn’t hold on any longer. He climaxed with a vengeance, screaming Rebecca’s name.

An Unexpected Turn

Greg opened his eyes, panting and out of breath. He noticed a figure standing at the door and turned to see Rebecca staring at him. Attempting to move, his legs failed to support him. Expecting the worst, he was shocked when Rebecca smiled. “I would rather share you with a doll than another woman,” she said.

A Passionate Revelation

Still in disbelief, Greg stood with his dick hanging out as Rebecca approached and kissed him passionately. “I want you to fuck me the way you fucked your doll,” she whispered in his ear.

A New Beginning

The tension in the room dissolved as Rebecca’s acceptance washed over Greg. They moved together, finding a renewed connection through their shared understanding. The doll, once a secret, had opened a door to deeper intimacy. As Greg and Rebecca embraced, they discovered a new chapter in their relationship, one where desires could be explored without judgment. This unexpected twist brought them closer, rekindling the passion they thought they had lost.

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