An Erotic Getaway
Taiwan Stories

An Erotic Getaway – Seduction Along The Shores of Gulangya

Tranquil Moments in Xiamen

An Erotic Getaway – The beach sides of Xiamen were among Lu’s favorite places to relax. Situated beside the Taiwan Strait and formerly known as Amoy, Xiamen City has a population of over three and a half million people packed into only 650 square miles. Lu cherished moments when he could escape from such a crowded place. Xiamen harbor is considered one of the best natural harbors in the world, being Yundang Bay.

It was also voted China’s most romantic city in 2024.

A Stroll Along Gulangyu Beach

Overlooking and protecting the city is the massive statue of Koxinga. Walking along the banks of the tree-lined beaches of Gulangyu, Lu appreciated the natural beauty around him—nature, sea, animals, and sand. He felt the warmth of the sun radiating off his bare chest and body. It was a warm, sunny afternoon, a lazy day for him as he had gotten away from work earlier and needed a break from everything and everyone. He came across a secluded spot, lay down on the cool grass beneath the trees, and through the gaps in the leaves, he watched the sky and listened to the sound of gentle waves.

An Unexpected Sensation

For some reason, he felt a stirring in his carnal nature. As Lu began to drift into somewhat of a trance, he moved his hand down his body and into his pants. Before he knew it, he was moving his hand up and down on his large cock. He stroked it, conjuring an image of him making love to a girl, and began to throb. He moved his hand faster as his legs quaked with pleasure. He thought of how his penis would feel inside a warm, hot, and tight pussy, and before long, he climaxed, not realizing he had an audience.

Lin’s Hidden Observations

Lin had been watching him almost the entire time he had been stroking his big hard cock. When she realized he had come to his senses, she had to pull her gaze away from his manhood. She was 5 feet 1 inch tall with delicate, soft facial features and dark, coal-black hair that rested on her shoulders and almost halfway down her small frame. She had surprisingly large C cup breasts which were perfectly shaped and supple. She was very shy about the fact that her nipples were hard and poking through her shirt due to her high arousal but was also highly astonished by what she had been watching.

A Surprising Encounter

She thought he was very attractive, with his strong arm muscles and physique in general. She had been watching him and hadn’t even known what his eyes looked like as they had been closed the whole time he was wrapped up in pleasuring himself. When Lu saw Lin staring at him in astonishment, he quickly rose to his feet, forgetting to put his still slightly erect penis back into his pants.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry,” he apologized before realizing she was still staring intently at his cock, her eyes continuing to widen. He looked down and realized he was still exposed and for some reason, the look on his face made Lin burst out in a giggle.

Awkward Introductions

“What are you laughing about? I mean, you are impressed, right?” he asked her jokingly, trying to hide his pure embarrassment.

“Smooth,” she rolled her eyes at his attempt at arrogant humor.

“I mean, I suppose so. You are rather… large compared to the only other time I have seen a… well,” her eyes glanced back at his pants.

“Wait, you’ve only seen one dick other than mine? Don’t tell me you wear a chastity belt, I may or may not cry.” She laughed awkwardly when he mentioned a chastity belt and raised her eyebrow slightly.

Bold Moves

“What do you think I am, a prude? I’ll have you know I lost my chastity belt last year.” He laughed more than he thought he should have and stuck out his hand to shake hers, trying to introduce himself properly. She scoffed at him.

“You think I’d shake that hand after what you did with it?”

Without thinking, she took his hand that he had jerked off with and brought it up to her mouth, gently taking each of his fingers and sucking on each of them very slowly.

Arousal Ignited

“I can put that hand to much better use,” she said.

Immediately, just the erotic idea of what she had just done made Lu instantly rock hard. He even let out a soft moan before biting his lip to silence himself. This was going to be an erotic Taiwan story that he was always going to remember.

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Uncontrollable Desire

“Oh yeah? Do it,” he replied.

Already throbbing in his pants, wanting nothing more than to take this gorgeous girl and make love to her right where he stood. He craved her skin, yearning to explore every last bit of it with his tongue. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting her tight, wet hole, and his demeanor instantly changed. He was going to have her right here on the shore where anyone and everyone could see.

Bold Moves

Without much warning, she grabbed his crotch and stroked it through his pants. “She is just full of surprises,” he thought, struggling to comprehend that this girl he had met just minutes ago was now stroking his cock. Following suit, he slid his hand up her inner thighs and into her shorts. He traced her pussy lips through her panties, realizing just how wet she was, and bit his lip.

Exploring Each Other

At the same time that he began to play with her, she slid her hand down his pants and into his boxers. Holding his hard dick in her hand for the first time, she realized just how big he was. He wasn’t just “big”; he was thick too, and for a moment, she thought he might be too big to fit inside her tight pussy.

“You aren’t going to break me, right? I said that I had seen one; I never said I had had one,” she said almost nervously.

He blushed when she said this and whispered in her ear, “I might possibly break you, but don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it,” he laughed, and she ended up laughing too.

“You’re a smart-ass, do you know that?”

Building Comfort

For some reason, the joke made her more comfortable with what she was doing and calmed her anxiety. She pulled his pants down and was greeted by his massive bulge in his boxers. Smirking, she started kissing down his abdomen. He looked at her with pure lust, moaning in anticipation as she pulled his boxers down and wrapped her hand around his once-again exposed cock. She licked the tip, swirling her tongue against it, tasting his pre-cum. She moaned and took him in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down his shaft as her long hair got in her face.

Heightened Pleasure

He brushed his fingers through her hair, holding it back out of her face as he enjoyed the feeling and sound of her sucking his cock. He had never felt such intense pleasure with anyone else he had ever been with. The whole time, her eyes stayed fixed on his, filled with the same intensity of lust that was in his eyes. His gaze was captivating, and she was almost entranced by the depth of blue in his eyes.

He pulled his cock out of her perfect mouth and gently slapped her lips with it. The lust taking over his entire being, he laid her on the ground. It was time to explore.

An Erotic Getaway

Passionate Exploration

He tugged off his shirt and threw it in the grass beside them, sliding his hands up her shirt and running his fingers over her heated skin. Moving his hands higher, he cupped her breasts. He started to trace her erect nipples with his fingers, teasing her as she moaned softly, pulling him down so she could kiss his perfect lips. She was ready to let him take her virginity. Completely wrapped up in him, she felt waves of pleasure radiate down to her pussy as he toyed with her nipples.

He slid her shirt off and kissed along her jaw and down her neck, licking and biting at her most sensitive spots. She tugged his hair and started to beg.

Intense Longing

“I want to feel your mouth on me. I want to feel your tongue inside of me. Make me beg for it,” she whispered.

He knew exactly what he needed to do. He started kissing lower, onto her breasts, and sucked on her nipples, swirling his tongue in a circular motion to tease them. She begged more this time, pleading with him. She needed him in ways she had never needed anyone before. As he made his way down her body slowly, taking the time to tease her even more until she couldn’t wait anymore. She pushed his shoulder down and looked him in the eyes.

Deepening Desire

He kissed up her inner thighs, spreading her legs and exposing her pink wet slit. He spread her open, licking all the way up her slit to her clit. He flicked her clit and slowly slipped his finger into her virgin pussy, instantly amazed by just how tight she was. Of course, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, but she tugged his hair in approval, forcing his hot mouth down harder against her.

Her legs spread wide now, he sucked on her clit and moved his head from side to side. Pleasure radiated down her entire being. She hooked her legs over his shoulders as he started to toy with her wet hole, still fingering her, but this time harder with quick, deliberate motion. She started to feel close as he flicked his tongue in and out of her aroused love-hole, going faster and faster.

Climax and Ecstasy

Suddenly, her body quaked in pure pleasure and she released. She climaxed so hard that her eyes rolled back in her head and her toes curled as she screamed in ecstasy. He kept licking her as she rode out her climax and then started to kiss up her body until his lips were brushing against her nipples again. He knew she was ready. She had been ready the second she saw him stroking his cock and remembered that they were about to make love out in the open for anyone to see, but she didn’t care, not at all.

On the Edge

She wanted to feel his hard cock ravage her virgin pussy. She looked at him, and he knew. He took his cock in his right hand and rubbed the tip of it up and down her soaking wet slit and moaned, “Don’t be a tease.”

He smirked and kissed her lips before sliding the tip in and out of her hole several times, wondering if he would fit inside her. “Please, I’m yours. Do with me as you will,” she said in a needy, rough voice, panting still from the intensity of her climax.

Taking Her

He started to slide his cock deep inside her, going slow, and with a thrust, her virginity was no more.

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Overwhelming Passion

She whined in pain at first, but as he started to thrust in a steady rhythm, she began to feel the pain transform into pleasure. She wrapped her arms around him as he thrust, each movement deeper and harder than before.

“I love how you feel inside me, Lu. God! Fuck me, Lu, please fuck me!” she moaned, her voice escalating into a scream as complete bliss overtook her senses. Her toes curled once again, and he brought her knees up to fit as much of him as possible inside her, feeling her pussy throb and tighten with each thrust.

The Height of Ecstasy

“Fuck, you are so tight,” he moaned against her neck, kissing her heated skin as he felt her legs start to shake. They both moaned and screamed in unison, their breaths coming shallow and rough with passion.

She got closer and closer with every thrust, every movement. He started to tremble as well. They were on the brink of release, climax imminent. He looked into her eyes and whispered, “Can I cum inside you?”

She gazed up into his eyes without reservation and replied, “Fill me up with your hot cum, Lu. Make me cum on your dick. I can’t wait any longer!”

Explosive Climax

With those words, Lu began to ejaculate, shooting his hot sperm deep inside her as he thrust as deeply as he could, filling her hot deflowered cunt completely. His cum dripped out of her, and he felt her orgasm on his dick. He kept thrusting until they rode out each other’s climax, then laid out, completely spent.

Tender Aftermath

Tired and still breathless, Lu looked down at Lin’s face and thought the same thing as when they first began: “This girl is full of surprises.” They smiled at each other, savoring the moment before noticing they were being watched.

Lu never would have dared to dream that on his quest for privacy and solace that afternoon, he would become part of the ultimate Seduction Along The Shores of Gulangyu, Xiamen. The unexpected turn of events left them both breathless, yet exhilarated by the raw passion they had just shared. The connection they forged in that fleeting moment would linger, a tantalizing memory etched into the fabric of their lives.

A New Beginning

As they lay entwined, the cool breeze from the ocean gently caressed their heated bodies. The waves softly lapped against the shore, a soothing symphony that mingled with their slowing breaths. Lu looked into Lin’s eyes, now softened by the afterglow of their shared passion. He traced a finger along her cheek, marveling at the unexpected intimacy that had blossomed between them.

“This was more than I ever imagined,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Lin smiled, her face radiating contentment and a newfound confidence. “You were everything I needed, Lu,” she replied, her voice barely a whisper yet laden with meaning.

The stars above began to twinkle in the twilight sky, casting a magical glow over the secluded beach. In that serene moment, they realized that what had started as a spontaneous encounter had transformed into something deeply profound. Their connection, born of passion and discovery, hinted at possibilities they had never considered. Together, they rose and dressed, their eyes occasionally meeting with unspoken promises. The world around them felt different, filled with potential and excitement. As they walked back along the beach, hand in hand, they knew that their journey was just beginning.

The shores of Gulangyu had witnessed their union, a beautiful secret shared between the sea and the sky. With each step, they left behind footprints in the sand, a testament to a day that would forever remain etched in their memories. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Lu and Lin embraced the future, ready to explore the depths of their newfound connection, confident that their story was far from over.

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