Meeting at Taipei American School
How Love Was Lost On Elephant Mountain – Marcos and Carolina met a few years ago at the Taipei American School in Taiwan. The school caters to both ex-pat children and locals and is one of the few English-speaking schools in Taiwan. Marcos had a crush on Carolina for a long time but was afraid to express his feelings. His friends, Kevin and Smith, advised him to approach her courageously and share his emotions. One day, he decided it was time to tell Carolina how he felt.
Carolina’s Popularity
Carolina was the most beautiful girl in the school. All the boys admired her and made advances, but she never accepted them. She was a simple, rich girl who focused on her studies and ignored any nuisance. Carolina had cool friends, Akisha and Nadia.
Marcos Declares His Feelings
I decided to approach the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was sitting with her friends at a table, having lunch. It seemed like she was really enjoying herself.
“Hello, ladies,” I greeted them as soon as I reached their table.
“Hello, Marcos,” they replied in unison.
“What brings you here?” Nadia asked.
“Do you mind if I talk to Carolina for a second?” I asked.
They indicated they didn’t mind and left almost in unison, giving me a cautionary look to handle their friend well.
The Moment of Truth
The day I had awaited finally arrived. There she was, the most beautiful girl I had ever set eyes on. She seemed a bit shy being alone with me and stared at her hands the whole time.
Finally, I broke the silence, “How is your day going? Are you well?”
She replied simply, “Just fine.”
“Carolina, there is something I’ve always wanted to tell you,” I said.
“Go on, I am listening,” she replied.
Confessing Feelings
“I have always had strong feelings for you, and I want you to know I like you very much. I admire how you carry yourself. You are beautiful, unique, and hardworking,” I said.
She stared at me, not believing what I told her. I waited for her to comment, but she remained silent. This made me feel guilty and regretful for approaching her.
Her Response
Finally, she said, after what seemed like an eternity, “Marcos, I really appreciate you for liking me. It’s a huge message to take in, and I wasn’t expecting it. But I hope all will be well as we continue getting to know each other.”
The Beginning of a Friendship
I felt something strange in my stomach as she uttered those words. For the rest of the lunch period, we talked, laughed, and shared a lot about school, home, and future plans. She avoided the relationship topic since she was not comfortable discussing it at this time. She was a cool girl to hang out with, and that made me like her even more. The bell rang, and we went back to our respective classes.

Carolina’s Feelings and Reaction
I saw Marcos approaching our table from a distance. He was a cute and handsome guy that any girl could have fallen for. He was of medium height, with curly hair and soft lips that made you yearn for his kiss. He greeted us and asked if he could talk to me for a second. At first, I felt confused and uneasy being alone with him at the table. However, as soon as he started talking, I began to feel comfortable around him.
A Surprising Confession
He declared his feelings towards me, catching me completely by surprise. I didn’t expect such a good-looking guy to have strong feelings for me. His reputation at school was not good—known as a bit of a player. He had been known for using girls and dumping them soon after. This made me uneasy, so I decided to remain silent for a while, thinking it over. All that time, he was staring at me, waiting for a response. I felt a bit shy, and guilt formed inside me. Finally, I decided to break the silence by telling Marcos that his message surprised me and was a lot to take in all at once.
Getting to Know Each Other
We talked, laughed, and shared more about ourselves. I found out he was different from the other boys who approached me. He laughed at every joke I made and was a cool person too.
Marco Asks Carolina Out Again
After two days, I asked Carolina if we could go out. Most people would think it was a date, but it wasn’t. It was about spending quality time with the person you like the most and have strong feelings for. She finally accepted the invite after much persuasion. She was not comfortable hanging out with me for the whole day. I took her to a park on a hilltop. From there, you could see the entire landscape of Taipei City from a distance. It was truly amazing.
A Special Day
She really liked the place, and that made me happy too. We talked about everything—the things that made sense and the ones that didn’t. Overall, we made each other happy, and I felt we were comfortable with each other. I really liked her lips and couldn’t wait for the day she would be ready to kiss me. She caught me admiring her and smiled.
“Why are you looking at me like that, Marcos?” she asked. “Is there anything wrong?” she continued with a confused look.
A Bold Question
“No,” I replied. “It’s just that I like you a lot, and my world would not be complete without you. Will you be my girlfriend, Carolina?”
An Unexpected Reaction
This made Carolina more confused and surprised at my statements. That was the least of her expectations. Her answer was not immediate. She sat on the bench, thinking deeply, and tears started flowing from her eyes.
“The thought of my mother being beaten senseless by my father just made me cry,” she said.
I sat next to her and hugged her reassuringly to help her calm down. This revelation confused me. I did not know about this domestic dispute and decided not to talk about it again until she was ready to open up.
Carolina’s Declaration
We met every day over lunch and after classes in the evening for many months. This closeness drew us together and made me like him so much. He truly loved me and cared for me deeply. He made me smile every moment we were together. He helped me forget the problems I had at home, which I wasn’t willing to share with anyone else—not even him fully. One day, while having lunch in a café, I decided to declare my feelings to him, sharing how he made me feel and that he truly meant the world to me.
A Special Surprise
This made him so happy, and he told me he would take me to a special place during the weekend. I tried to convince him to tell me the name of the place, but he insisted it was a surprise. He finally placed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately, deepening the kiss. This sent a shiver through my body, making me yearn for more. He was an incredible kisser, almost as if he had taught me how to kiss again. We kissed for more than ten minutes.
He then said, “You are truly amazing, and I love you so much.”
The Weight of Love
The word love felt heavy to say at our age, especially given what I saw at home and since it was still the beginning of our relationship. I just smiled, showing a sign of appreciation. We decided to go home, and he dropped me off at my house. He bid me goodbye and gave me a goodnight kiss before he left. I had a lot to learn about the true meaning of love.
Marcos’s Reaction
I couldn’t believe she said I really meant the world to her. This was truly amazing and made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I placed my lips on hers and kissed her passionately. Her lips were very soft and charming, and I didn’t want to stop the kiss. She reciprocated by kissing me back, which made it even more real and awesome.
The Special Date
The weekend had come, and it was time to take Carolina on the special date I had planned. We were going camping on Elephant Mountain, a place I used to visit with my parents when I was younger. Elephant Mountain is the longest hike within Spur Ranch Conservation Area in Taiwan. It has plenty of nature and history along the trail. Streams, lakes, a guerrilla base, and picturesque natural views are just some of what visitors can enjoy at Elephant Mountain.

About Elephant Mountain
Elephant Mountain was named after two fabled lovers, K’Lang and Ho-biang. The two loved each other but came from different aboriginal tribes, Lach and Chil, and were forbidden to marry despite their deep love. They ran away together, staying on Elephant Mountain and vowing never to separate.
K’Lang was at one with nature; he could tame animals and produce magnificent crops. He tamed two wild elephants that stayed with them at their mountaintop hideaway. However, Ho-biang became seriously ill. K’Lang managed to keep her alive but couldn’t cure her illness, so he walked her back to her tribe, where the shaman managed to cure her. The Chil and Lach tribes were overjoyed and granted them permission to marry.
A Tragic Tale
Ho-biang’s father, the chief of the Chil, was the only one against their marriage. He was so enraged at the thought of their union that he shot an arrow at K’Lang. Ho-biang saw this and jumped in front of K’Lang, the arrow piercing her heart and killing her instantly. K’Lang, devastated, cried inconsolably and finally let out a great scream—now called the Dankia—and died from sorrow. It is rumored that the two elephants also died of broken hearts.
A Place of Nostalgia
Elephant Mountain brings a nostalgic tone due to this sad love story from long ago. The adventure that visitors experience here creates fun and memorable memories they will treasure forever.
Marco Climbs Elephant Mountain
We arrived early on Saturday morning and had breakfast at the base of Elephant Mountain, which has restaurants around the area. We were ready for hiking, so we put on our backpacks and began the steep trip up the mountain. The vegetation was thick, and the air humid. Carolina was unusually quiet, and after about an hour, I said, “Carolina, is everything okay?”
Carolina sat down beside the trail and began to cry. She said, “Marcos, I have never told anyone about this before, but my father beats my mother. Last night it was particularly bad. I don’t think I can live there anymore.”
I held her, and the tighter I held her, the more body-shaking sobs she released. After about fifteen minutes, she was all cried out. She looked up at me and said, “I love you, Marcos.”
A New Understanding
The world seemed wonderfully colorful to me; the birds’ singing sounded more in tune and louder. I was truly and deeply happy, but then I heard something—something truly weird. I said, “Do you hear that?”
Carolina replied, “Yes, I thought it was my imagination. You hear it too?”

Mysterious Sounds in the Forest
We listened intently and heard laughter and chatter, but not in Mandarin, English, or any earthly language. The sounds came from the deep forest just off the path. I looked at Carolina, and she nodded. Without further thought, we pushed through the undergrowth beneath the tree canopies and then we saw them. There was no doubt; we knew who they were. It had to be them. There was no other explanation.
A Natural Ending
As we approached, the forest seemed to embrace us with its ancient energy. The figures of K’Lang and Ho-biang, holding hands and surrounded by a mystical aura, were unmistakable. Their presence was both ethereal and comforting, as if the mountain itself had brought their spirits to life. We felt an overwhelming sense of peace and connection, as if we had stepped into a timeless realm where love and nature were intertwined. The air was filled with an indescribable warmth, and for a moment, all our worries and fears melted away.
We knew we had discovered something extraordinary, a secret that the mountain had kept for centuries. As the figures slowly faded into the forest, we stood in awe, forever changed by the encounter. The laughter and chatter gradually diminished, leaving us in a serene silence, knowing that we had been part of something truly magical.

Love Was Lost
Couple Goes Missing on Elephant Mountain
Rescue officers are still searching for the bodies of Carolina Summers and Marcos Ironbottom, who went missing after hiking on Elephant Mountain last Saturday. Officials say the likelihood of finding them alive is slim…
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