Lakewood, California
A Taiwan Erotic Encounter – Bill Jake had long been captivated by an exceptional tea field in Taipei, Taiwan—a country of many exotic sights and sounds, with friendly people inhabiting this paradise. A company memo concerning a continental trip to Taiwan had just been issued the previous week. As head of marketing for the consortium, he was among the first candidates, but his boss, Tyler Kellerman, had other preferred people for the trip. Oh well, tough luck, he thought. The party would be transported by the company’s private jet.
Maokong Village, Taiwan
Rose Cheng had grown up quickly for her age and was now sick and tired of the catcalling. All she wanted was someone to treat her well—not a boyfriend, but someone to accompany her on unending adventures. A tomboy from as early as she could remember, time had transformed her into a luscious beauty that was very attractive.
This was exactly the problem. The many friends she had now turned distant immediately after she spurned their sexual advances. They could not be friends anymore. She felt really sorry for Jim Chuan. He was her friend from childhood but had now transformed into a lusty man who always felt he had some kind of right to see her naked and who also wanted much more.
The Argument with Chuan
The last time she was with Chuan, a very bitter argument ensued when Rose, for the umpteenth time, refused to get intimate. He tried to grope her, which culminated in a bitter division. Now Rose was all alone and lonely. Little did she know that things were about to change in a few days.
The Expo in Taipei
The farmers in the tea fields of Taipei had organized an international expo to showcase their special tea varieties and help expand other markets globally. Everyone around the village was extremely anxious for the day and just could not wait for it. For most people, this would be their first time to be the focus of attention. It is all too easy to get caught up in all the excitement. A sleepy village town perched high in the remote mountains certainly had a lot to gain from the forthcoming event.

Lakewood, California

A Taiwan Erotic Encounter
The Spark
After a few drinks and some light chit-chat, Amy felt a genuine connection. All she wanted now was to take off her panties and wrap her legs around his muscular torso and really fuck him. Wait. That isn’t the way to go. She kept reminding herself. Junior staff is off-limits for a high-flying career lady like me. Unconsciously, she unbuttoned her blouse. The bright red skirt suit was becoming unbearable.
The Unspoken Tension
The tension was apparent to Bill, who felt there was definitely a spark they were both trying hard to suppress.
Maokong, Taiwan
The organizing committee announced the list of people who would be helping with the preparations as officials. Rose was especially pleased to hear that her name was on the list. Notably absent was Jim Chuan. How that happened, she could not fathom. Jim’s father was the head of the Tea Field of Taipei growers and had notable influence. The pay was not a big deal, but the opportunity provided the perfect getaway to escape that oppressive disillusionment.
The Big Day
Upon arrival, it was already sunrise. Taiwan’s scenery is the jewel Bill Jake expected to see. The vast mountainous heights, covered with lush green landscapes, offered a breath of much-needed fresh air. The trip was to last one day, which meant minimal luggage for both visitors.
A bumpy half-hour ride brought the two to the location. Here we go: a long day ahead, Amy thought. She was pleased to see a magnificent stand bearing their corporation’s emblem and colors had been pitched on-site. A friendly local introduced himself as Jim Chuan—their interpreter.
The Assignment
On the itinerary, Bill was assigned a field assignment. He had his own interpreter, Rose Cheng. His task would be to go over the plantation and collect as much information as possible through photos. He would be required to write a report later on. Amy’s role would be to remain at the stands to handle PR with the help of Jim.

The First Shooting Location
The first shooting location was a few miles into the dense tea plantations. A motorbike ride helped Bill and Rose traverse the rough trails, with Rose clinging tightly as they took sharp turns.
The ride was brief but intense. The pair was separated from other delegations, who were a considerable distance away. Bill was taken by surprise when Rose gently turned to him and kissed him on the lips. Just like that. He acted surprised, but both knew something had been simmering ever since their eyes first met.
A Sudden Embrace
The knee-length dress soon lay in a heap as the two embraced and kissed passionately. Bill was soon naked as well, and the two took refuge in a nearby clearing. Indeed, this magical place has many of nature’s sights and sounds, which soon engulfed the lovers’ intimate groans and lustful gasps.
Back at the Camp
Back at the camp, Amy wondered where her most trusted partner had disappeared to. There were important matters to discuss, and her colleague was not answering his two-way radio call.
Jim Chuan is suave when he wants to be. He somehow managed to convince Amy to let him handle part of the workload. Despite her initial apprehension, Jim worked well and proved himself a tremendous help.
A Long Afternoon
It was afternoon, and by the look of things, Bill and Rose had not grown tired of each other. Neither was willing to resume work and both were more enthusiastic to continue their lovemaking. Rose’s pillow breasts gave Bill great joy as he stroked and squeezed them gently. This made her even hornier, and the lovebirds rolled against each other to continue their passionate encounter.
Evening Arrives
By evening, Amy had given up on finding Bill. He most probably experienced some accident and was making his way back to camp on foot. Jim, on the other hand, was up to the task. He seemed more like an employee of the consortium than just a translator. She promised herself to reward him—one way or another.
An Unexpected Offer
It came as a big surprise when Jim Chuan refused to accept extra payment for the immense service he had provided. The nearest town center was a long way off, and he instead offered to let Amy stay at his place. In the morning, they would mount a search for Bill and his aide.
Jim’s accommodation was very simple but comfortable. Being in the middle of a large plantation, it was slightly elevated off the ground to give an open bird’s-eye view of the surrounding hills.
A Restless Night
All Amy wanted was to get a good night’s rest. After changing into Jim’s T-shirt, she lay on the bed, but sleep simply would not come. She could make out the distant light from the TV and figured Jim was probably awake as well.
After joining Jim on the couch, they both lost interest in the TV and focused on each other. Deep kisses ensued. It was Amy’s turn to unwind at last. She grabbed his large member and licked it up and down repeatedly.

Fiery Passion
As she was half-naked, it was easy to fondle her ample breasts beneath the T-shirt. The teasing felt like a burning fire that could no longer be contained. Amy sat on Jim’s massive erection and began to control the pace of their sex with tantric precision, like a perfect toy boy. At first, the rhythm was gentle, followed by intense jerking up and down. They fucked hard and long, not caring about the noise they made. After several rounds of pleasure, each could no longer contain themselves.
Double Orgasms
Double orgasms ensued as they clutched tightly onto each other, letting their juices mix. Several rounds of unabated sexual pleasure followed in turn, leaving little time to rest. In the end, exhaustion took over, and the two slept on the couch.
Romantic Night in Taipei
Meanwhile, Rose and Bill decided to stay outside on the Tea Field of Taipei. Bill’s love for the outdoors made him carry a few provisions to keep them going. In the light of the night fire, they stared deep into each other’s eyes. They could not believe the luck that had brought them together. Bill was especially pleased with her forwardness.
Before sunset, they fucked one more time before getting back to work. This would be the most ideal time to get started on photography.
Returning to Camp
Amy Harper was not pleased at all by the sight of the two riding back to the camp meeting point. Bill was quick to explain engine trouble, but it was clear to everyone that something else had been at play. After hurried goodbyes to both translators, the two sat down to complete the report. Hours later, they were done and ready to pack their gear for the return flight.
A Strange Request
Amy had one last strange request. She needed to check out a previously obscure location within the Tea Field of Taipei. As the two disappeared into the hills again, Bill sensed that something exciting was about to happen but could not figure out what exactly it was.
After they were safely out of sight, Amy requested that they pull over to a specific location. The motorbike screeched to a halt near a thick clump of trees. The two colleagues retreated to this nest and began to undress each other. Bill could not believe his luck but knew it best not to object. He might lose his position if he dared.
Uninhibited Pleasure
A shrill moan pierced the air when Bill rammed his huge cock inside Amy’s tight pussy. They began fucking without any foreplay, each desiring uninhibited pleasure before returning home. He made sure to fuck her as hard as he could. It felt so good to vent his desire after years of anticipation.
Amy came first, squirting a lot of cum in her wake. Bill still wanted more, but it was only a short while before he too came hard, screaming in pleasure, almost like a spiritual sexual experience. The trip definitely would be a memorable one. The two made a promise to keep things on the low.
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